Rommy Rodriguez, 24, of Ellsworth Street, was charged with third-degree assault, disorderly conduct and interference with an emergency call. She was released after posting $5,000 bond.
Police said Rodriguez came home intoxicated and began screaming at her 43-year-old mother about a missing iPad charger.
The mother became afraid of Rodriguez and picked up the phone to call police but Rodriguez ripped the phone from her hand and punched her in the face, police said.

Police said the victim had a large bruise on her left cheek. They said when officers nabbed Rodriguez outside the apartment she was holding both her mother’s cell phone and the land line phone.
In November, Rodriguez was arrested on animal cruelty charges after police said she beat her puppy Dora to death to stop it from barking.
A neighbor told officers he often heard the puppy crying after allegedly being beaten by Rodriguez. But on a recent day, the neighbor said he heard the dog’s crying growing fainter as the beating went on for 20 to 30 minutes until finally, there was no sound from the dog.
Police said the neighbor later saw Rodriguez and an unidentified man in the backyard with a large plastic garbage bag. The next day, the neighbor went into the yard and saw a freshly dug area. He dug it up to find the dog’s body, police said.
The neighbor carried the body to the city’s animal shelter. Police said a necropsy determined the dog died from blunt force trauma to the head.
(CT News blog - March 19, 2014)