Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dad still defends pit bulls after family pet tries to kill his child

MARYLAND -- For the first time, the father who saved his young son’s life after the family dog mauled the toddler is speaking about the nightmarish ordeal.

Mike Hellgren has his harrowing story.

While the dog was part pit bull, the dad believes this is not about the breed and rejects calls this should start any new debate in Maryland over pit bulls. He just wants everyone to know his son is going to be OK.

“I’ve cried so much, I don’t think I can cry anymore,” said John Cherny III.

He spoke to WJZ from the same living room in Essex where it unfolded Tuesday.

“All I heard was screaming, and I saw the dog had my son by his face and I ran in here, grabbed the dog and ripped his jaws open. The wound was really, really bad. He was missing half his face, pretty much,” Cherny said. “I had this dog for three years. Me having to kill it just…it broke my heart, too. But it was either him or my son.”

Police removed the lab/pit bull mix in a garbage bag.

“My son being hurt, I did what any father would do in that situation,” he said.

Cherny says this case should not add fuel to the heated debate over pit bulls in Maryland that ignited after the state’s highest court labeled pits “inherently dangerous,” holding landlords liable for dog bites. The General Assembly just passed a new law holding owners liable, regardless of breed.

“It makes me angry. This is something that could happen to anyone,” Cherny said. “I don’t know where this aggression came from. Maybe she was abused before we got her.”

[Excuses typically given: "it was abused before we got it", "blame the deed and not the breed", "any dog could have done this", "there are no bad dogs, just bad owners". I'm giving this article a tag of "surprised owner" as he fits with the owner who is in denial about it all.]

Cherny says his son has a long road to recovery, but doctors at Johns Hopkins are optimistic.

“The best possible scenario happened. They were able to connect all the nerve tissue in his face,” he said. “I want people to pray for him. Just pray for our family.”

Cherny says he loves dogs but doesn’t plan on getting another one — of any breed — ever again after this.

The injured 2-year-old’s little brother was in the same room at the time of the attack but was unharmed.

The family has asked if anyone has any flowers or stuffed animals–particularly “Toy Story” items–or well wishes, they send them to 14 Barnacle Court in Essex.

(CBS Baltimore - April 23, 2014)


  1. What is wrong with this dad?
    "He was missing half his face, pretty much,” Cherny said. “I had this dog for three years. Me having to kill it just…it broke my heart, too."
    OMG, it just ripped your sweet kids FACE OFF and you are heart broken over its death? GAH. Insanity.
    And he thinks pits are just fine? I hope he is only saying this because of harassment. We all know nutters torment victims families. At least he won't be getting another dog, ever.

    Maybe The Lexus Killers would like to save this mauler?

    1. Look this John Cherny the father. Have you been in this situation before? So seriously how can you even say anything.... When the dog attacked my son I sliced though its jaw muscle with my box knife after pulling the dog off i was furious I had it in a choke hold and i slit it's fucking throat while i was walking into the kitchen with it to grab a butcher knife wear I stabbed the fucking dog 3 times. They were talking about pressing animal cruelty against me so that's why I said what I said on the news. After i killed the dog i grabbed my son and prayed to god for him not to take him. I hate and have always hated that dog, it was my step fathers and he had the nerve to cone home after it was all over not even ask about my son, but instead tell my mother he was going to fuck me up for killing his dog. I have wanted to get rid of that dog for years and have voiced my opinion to my mother and step father we have another dog we have had for 12 years she is here still but i dont trust any dogs now around my kids. We go to the park me and john-john, where i live there are people who just open the door and let there dog run free I've got into many fights about this..... The point I am trying to make is that if you don't know whats going on you don't have a right to say anything. It was all really to protect my mom from prosecution since my step father bought the dog for my mother.....
