Monday, May 12, 2014

Pit bull attack on pregnant woman has Labrador town worried

CANADA -- A pit bull attack on a pregnant woman in a Labrador community has people calling for tougher rules for dog owners.

Danica Pinette, 19, says she was attacked by a pit bull that broke free of its chain on Wednesday
night in Sheshatshiu while she was walking home.

Pinette, who is seven months pregnant, said the dog was barking at her as she walked by, and it
charged her after it got free of its chain.

"It barked at me and chased at me first. I was screaming and yelling and I just started running," she

"I was trying to avoid it from getting to my stomach so I was waving my arms around and that's when it attacked me."

According to Pinette, the dog bit her arm.

[Does that look like a "bite"? It looks like a shark ripped into her arm.]

She isn't the first person in the community to claim being attacked by the dog.

It's allegedly the same dog that bit a 12-year-old girl in December, leaving wounds on her leg.

"I'm scared to walk around now. I'm scared to walk around town, especially for my sister and brother," said Pinette.

Waiting for something bad to happen
Francine Nuna, Pinette's mother, said her daughter was lucky to get off with light injuries.

Nuna said it's time the band council took a step toward putting better regulations in place for people
to control their dogs.

"They're loose, and it's just dangerous. It's like they're waiting for something very bad to happen in
order for anything to be done with it, it's pathetic," said Nuna.

She said not everyone in the community is a responsible dog owner.

The family of the dog owner acknowledged that the dog is a risk, and told CBC News the animal would be put down.

The owner allegedly has another pit bull at the residence, and Pinette said there are several others
at various homes in town.

A Sheshatshiu band councillor told CBC News the council will hold a meeting next week to discuss what

to do about the dogs in the community.

(CBC News - May 9, 2014)

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