Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Stolen dog put on craigslist reunited with owner

MICHIGAN -- Francesca Rodriguez is overjoyed her dog Thor is home and safe.

7 Action News first introduced you to her last week when her red Doberman Pincher went missing.

It was believed someone broke her gate and dognapped the 4-year-old.

“If you take someone’s animal away from them… that’s their family," said Rodriguez.


Since the report aired,  Rodriguez started getting a lot of phone calls.

“We were getting tips that he was taken or got loose and was taken.  Somebody scooped him up trying to make a quick dollar on Craigslist and then, you know, let him go.”

Rodriguez and her husband started putting up signs hoping someone one had seen and someone finally did.

He was spotted in a nearby wooded area.

Nick Consiglio and Michael Laporte were on their way to a fishing trip when they saw the 4-year-old dog.

“We noticed the signs they were really well printed.  Somebody really spent some money to save this dog,” said Consiglio.  “It just so happened that we were going out fishing and saw the dog coming around the corner so we started chasing him down and called Francesca.”

According to Rodriguez, Thor was not his typical self when she was reunited with him.

“He was shocked,” said Rodriguez.  “You could tell he was traumatized and scared.  He’s got all kinds of lacerations on his stomach and elbows… poor baby.”

Rodriguez is grateful for the two men and everyone who reached out to help her on social media.

“Oh my gosh, there are so many animal lovers out there and I just want to thank you so much for everybody’s support,” said Rodriguez.

(WXYZ - May 27, 2014)

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