Sunday, June 1, 2014

"Hey, Charlene! Get the stroller and bring Billy Bob over so's he can learn how to have fun torturing critters!"

KENTUCKY -- Authorities said that when they found out the Coon Dog Treeing Contest wasn't sanctioned by the Fair Board, they [refused to do anything about it].

The Raccoon was severely hurt in the attack.

[After being mauled by three dogs trying to rip its limbs from its body, the dogs' owner stomped on the poor animal's head three times - in front of police who did nothing - and then threw the animal into a cage and drove off with it Please God. Please let it be dead at this point and not still suffering.]

This happened in Danville KY. There is an official "investigation" going on, but I wouldn't hold my breath for any punishment. While it was happening I overheard a cop say "I'm not P.E.T.A., what do you want me to do?"- tourettes_on_Tuesday (posted on

LEX18 Lexington KY News says that one witness says the raccoon survived that attack, but when one of the dog owners saw it was still alive, he stomped on the raccoon's head.

"Some hick from the woods just released this little guy
at the county fair and let his three dogs loose so they
 could nearly rip it apart in front of dozens of young kids".
 (, submitted by Shortofcoleandklay)

Officials have identified three individuals who own the dogs that were attacking the raccoon.

They are still trying to figure out if criminal charges will be filed.

[If?! If charges will be filed?! God.]

(WTVQ - June 1, 2014)


Tonight, around 9 pm at the fairgrounds, a group of men in a pickup truck rolled into the horse grounds and brought out three dogs and a caged raccoon.

The head man of the “event” got out of the truck proclaiming “Gather around for Live Action!” repeatedly. Most of the slowly growing crowd were unaware as to what was about to happen next.

That same man claiming the “Live Action” looked to a group of kids and asked “You want us to let the coon go?”.

Of course all the kids watching were screaming NO NO NO after seeing the three dogs surround the cage, barking loudly and drawing more attention. The man didn't seem to care about what the kids thought so what he and his group of guys did was have a competition (his words) of sorts to see which dog could chase the raccoon down and kill it first. They set the cage a good 15-20 yards from the three dogs and opened the cage.

The raccoon hopelessly scrambling away from the dogs was promptly chased down by all three dogs and nearly ripped apart in front of DOZENS of kids and parents. All of this is going on while kids are screaming and parents are yelling for the men to put the dogs away and stop this thing I would compare to a public execution.

The raccoon did manage to get away from the dogs and find its way towards me in hopes of putting something between it and certain death. However the man leading this horrific scene was stating to the approaching cops that he has to kill the raccoon, because “that's what the dogs are for”.

And while he is talking to the cops, the bloody and mangled raccoon is making its way into the crowd of kids.

I don't know what the cops said to the man but the next thing I see is him walking towards the raccoon, he decides to stomp on its head THREE times in front of the on looking crowd.

This doesn't kill the raccoon, cops tell him he cannot kill it there in front of all those people so the man puts the raccoon back in the cage and after some talking to the police is told to go somewhere else.

I talked the police that were there, and they told me that whatever he was doing was an actual scheduled event for the day but he was doing it in the wrong place.

I have video of a 26 second portion of the ”hunt” and you can hear kids protesting it and the raccoon squealing in pain. - Shortofcoleandklay,

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