Sunday, July 6, 2014

Drunken Joliet Man Left 1 Dog to Die in Yard, Another to Suffer in Filthy House

ILLINOIS -- A drunken Joliet man left a dead Rottweiler chained in his yard and a grievously injured pit bull to languish in its own filth, police said.

The female pit bull had a broken hip and had to be carried out of the squalid west side home, police said. The animal was later euthanized.

The dog's owner, William Ross Henry, 51, of 1101 Norley Ave., was charged with two counts of animal cruelty as well as driving under the influence and driving with a suspended license. Henry was jailed Tuesday evening and remained in custody Wednesday. His bond was set at $20,000.

Joliet Township Animal Control alerted police to a dead dog outside Henry's house. Officers headed over to the residence about 2:30 p.m. and heard from a witness who saw the dog chained to a tree in Henry's yard for the last three days, police said.

Animal Control officers reportedly confirmed the Rottweiler had been dead for some time and had maggots crawling out of its mouth. While police and animal control officers were outside the house, Henry reportedly pulled in on a dirt bike.

After he got off the bike and staggered over, police said, Henry was asked how and when the dog died.

"I don't know. I think coyotes got it," Henry explained, according to police. He also claimed the dog was alive Tuesday morning, which did not seem to be likely, police said.

Henry appeared to be drunk and was arrested for driving under the influence, police said, and it turned out his license had been suspended.

Henry gave the cops permission to go inside his home and when they did they were "overwhelmed by the smell of feces and urine," police said. An animal control officer then reportedly located the injured pit bull amidst dozens, if not hundreds of empty beer cans strewn about the house.

The pit bull was leaning against a wall, police said, and was emaciated, lethargic and covered in its own filth. The dog could not move and had to be carried out of the house, police said.

After Henry was hauled off to jail, the city sent neighborhood services over to his house. They tagged the residence as unfit for occupancy.

(Joliet Patch - July 2, 2014)

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