Sunday, July 20, 2014

Group fights to save dogs that mauled a poor cat to death

KANSAS -- The pet grooming company Purdy Pet is leading the charge to save two dogs detained after Police say they killed a cat and came at an officer earlier this week.

One of the dogs was shot following the vicious animal report. Derby Police say the dogs mauled the cat and also became aggressive.

A hearing is set for July 31st to decide if the dogs should be put down. The petition is an effort to prevent that from happening.

Organizers believe the dogs are not vicious. The owner of the pets says he's grateful for what the shop is doing.

"It's really great to have people be advocates for dogs," Jessica Taylor, pet groomer said. "They can't talk so someone has to talk for them."

[Where are the advocates for cats? Any of these moronic 1,900 people care about the absolute terror, pain and suffering this cat went through while desperately running from and being grabbed by these dogs, having its bones crushed and being ripped apart while still alive?

Any sympathy for the owners of the cat? Their beloved pet being mauled to death and then the indignity of 1,900 IDIOTS demanding that these dogs be "spared", that they're "not vicious".  Clearly they don't know what the word means.

Merriam-Webster defines VICIOUS as:
: very violent and cruel
: very dangerous
: having or showing very angry or cruel feelings

Sorry for the rant. I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee....]

The petition has 1,900 signatures online. Police issued a statement earlier this week saying they believed the pit bull was going to attack, so they shot it to protect human life.

(KWCH - Jul 18, 2014)

1 comment:

  1. Don't be sorry for the rant. Every time I read some dog owner describe their animal as "not vicious" right after it has mauled, or killed a cat, dog, child, horse, alpaca, whatever, I'm wishing I could beat that owner with an old time Websters Unabridged until they understood that my beating them was a vicious act. They might also then understand that having done such a thing, I was, by definition, vicious, even though I've never done anything vicious before.
