Sunday, July 6, 2014

Woman Charged With Animal Cruelty In Danville Court

VIRGINIA -- A Danville woman charged with animal cruelty appeared in court Thursday.


We told you how the Danville Area Humane Society confiscated eight cats plus four dead ones which were in a cooler in front of Dorothy Stroud's house on Grey Street. Two of the confiscated cats had to be put down because of health issues.

A Danville police officer and the Executive Director of the Danville Area Humane Society testified in court Thursday. Dorothy Stroud seemed visibly upset by the decisions especially when looking at the presented evidence.

Police say they were notified about the problem when children found the cooler in front of Stroud's house. Inside, police say they found an adult cat and three smaller cats inside, all soaking wet, all dead.


[Is she drowning them??]

Police say they asked Stroud about the cooler and say she admitted she knew about it, having noticed it in front of her house the day before. She told them she opened it and thought it smelled bad but said she didn't see the cats.
Stroud agreed to the Humane Society getting custody over the cats. She also is not allowed to have a companion animal. Stroud also agreed to allowing the Humane Society to set up traps for what is believed to be over a dozen more cats around her house.

"Cases like this are always very sad. Yes you do feel happy that we now have custody over the animals but there is great sadness for her condition, the condition the animals were in," said Paulette Dean, Executive Director of the Danville Area Humane Society.

After the hearing, Stroud's family told us she has trouble seeing and feels bad about what happened.
Stroud was also arraigned Thursday on 12 charges including animal cruelty.

(WSET - Jun 12, 2014)

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