Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Girl attacked by family dogs released from hospital

KENTUCKY -- A 6-year-old girl attacked by the family dogs is back home after four days in the hospital.

Officials said Joslin Soto is fortunate to be alive and her recovery is nothing short of amazing.

On Monday, Soto was attacked by the two family dogs to the complete surprise of everyone. But now, Soto's home and she has a story of her own.

"They bit me everywhere on my leg and stuff. They bit me more or less here, and I have a big open spot on my butt," said Soto. "Matt was feeding the dogs so he opened the cage and I was putting water in the bucket where he pours the water in their bowls."

Since they were puppies, Soto had fed the family dogs, Ruckus and Mercedes, at her grandfather's property. But on Monday, they turned and attacked as her stepfather tried to protect her.

"He just tried to protect me as hard as he could so he got on top of me, lightly though, and tried to keep the dogs away from me, but it didn't work. So he tried and tried again," said Soto.


Their neighbor, who lives a distance away, happened to hear the screams. When came up on the attack, he grabbed his gun from his pickup and shot both dogs. Josie's mother, Heidi Cooley, heard the shots.

"Even standing at the door and seeing the dogs and seeing Michael with the gun shooting them, I still didn't put it together that she could be being attacked by the dogs," said Cooley.

The family said they may never know what sparked the unusual attack.

The family said Joslin's attitude hasn't changed and she remains strong and happy, and they are looking forward to her starting school in a few days.

One of the dogs died instantly, the other has since been put down.

According to the family, animal control told them, they believe it's possible the dogs may have been competing with each other for Joslin like a toy and became aggressive.

(WLKY - Aug 15, 2014)

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