Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Child Recovers From Pit Bull Attack Reminding Local Woman Of Her Attack

KENTUCKY -- As a local child recovers, an Evansville woman reflects on the day she was attacked by four pit bulls.

Darlene Harrison says she's sad to hear about four-year-old Terrance Perez. His family's pit
bull mauled him at his grandfather's Huntingburg home.

The pit bull belonged to the boy's father.

"I should have been dead. How many people get attacked by four pit bulls and live to tell about
it?" It's been three years since Darlene Harrison was attacked by four pit bulls during her morning
run near Akin Park, in Evansville.

"I had turned around and I was like, whoa four pit bulls. I was like, what am I going to do," says Harrison.

She says in no time, she was on the ground. "They were just mauling me," says Harrison.

The dogs bit her more than one-hundred times, all over her body. They attacked her face, her
arms, and down to her legs. The memory lives with her, and she says it's frightening to hear about today's attack in Dubois

County. "That was a family dog though, so I don't know," says Harrison.

Harrison says she's happy Terrance Perez is alive. She says it's not always the breed of the dog, it's the owner. "I guess it's how they raise the dog, how they train them up and stuff," says

The day Harrison was attacked, was a day her family says they will never forget. "It was really painful for me that day," says Harrison's daughter.

Harrison says she now walks with cane, continues to carry mace, and gave up her days of jogging outdoors. "I don't jog anymore. I do it in the house, now. I do it in the house."

No matter the breed, Harrison and her two daughters urge dog owners to always keep their pets
on a leash.

We're told the dog in today's attack was taken by animal control, and is now in isolation.

( - Sept 10, 2014)


  1. I am glad this woman was able to recover from her injuries., although I am not sure if the cane she now uses is because she has a change in gait due to the attack she endured, or if it is used to beat off Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls are the problem, our country is faced with a breed specific problem that is now spreading to other breeds because they are mixing with other breeds, Its a shame people cannot participate in jogging, walking their own dogs or any outside activity anymore because of Pit Bull Dogs.

  2. I am also glad she survived and is somewhat recovered. I don't know how she can go through what she did though and still believe it's the "how you raise them" bull crap. How can you possibly believe that the owners of pits would train them to attack their own children/grandparents in their own family? It's not rational.
