Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Woman’s guardians arrested in abuse case

OHIO -- Police arrested a West Toledo couple, who are guardians of a mentally and physically disabled woman, after the woman suffered broken bones, dog and apparently human bites.

Norman and Susan Demski, both 56, of 940 Southover Rd., were arrested Sunday and charged in Toledo Municipal Court with patient abuse and neglect. Both were arraigned Monday morning and ordered to be released on their own recognizance, despite a request for a $50,000 bond.

Mr. and Mrs. Demski were ordered to not have contact with the victim, Lori Demski, 53, Mr. Demski's sister, who remained hospitalized in fair condition Monday afternoon. As part of the arraignment agreement, if the victim is released from the hospital, she is to not return to her brother and sister-in-law's care, said Judge William Connelly, Jr.


According to affidavits, the guardians both left their home Thursday, leaving the victim alone for five hours. When Mr. Demski returned home, he found Lori Demski “in a pool of blood.” He called 911 and she was taken to Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center.

Police said the victim was attacked by two “pit bulls” inside the home. Because of the attack, the victim suffered “numerous dog bites from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head” and wounds to both arms, according to affidavits. A police report notes a nurse stated the victim also suffered fractures to both arms.

A nurse also noted “what appeared to be human bites on her thighs, buttocks, and shoulder.” Court documents also state that the Southover home was roach infested and the floors were covered with dog feces.

Toledo police Detective Larry Anderson, who filed the charges on Sunday, did not return messages seeking comment. Mr. Demski also did not return a message seeking comment.

Phillip Wall, 27, who described himself as the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Demski, said the victim was attacked when she fell while trying to break up a fight between the two 2-year-old “pit bulls.” The dogs, according to a police report, belong to Mr. Wall.

“It's just upsetting to me,” Mr. Wall said of the injuries. He said the charges against Mr. and Mrs. Demski were “blown out of proportion.”

The Demskis have been guardians of Lori Demski since 1994, according to records in Lucas County Probate Court. The guardianship documents state that the victim suffers from grand mal seizures and has an IQ of less than 45, according to a test given in 1994. In the same year, Lori Demski was also noted to have the functionality of a 4 or 5 year old.

In 2000, a case worker from the Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities reported to police injuries on Lori Demski that appeared to be the result of abuse. The case never resulted in charges because the injuries, a doctor ruled, could have been from falling, which Lori Demski is prone to, according to various court documents.

The most recent report filed by a representative of the developmental disabilities board noted that there were no signs of neglect, abuse, or exploitation, Judge Puffenberger said. He said there were no known prior issues with the guardianship.

“Our court is concerned about this person being her [Lori Demski's] guardian,” the judge said. “We need to be sure that guardians are looking out for the best interest of and protecting their wards.”

The “pit bulls” that attacked the victim were seized by Lucas County Canine Care and Control on Sunday, said Director Julie Lyle. On Monday, officers were back at the Southover home to see about a third dog. Ms. Lyle said the dogs would be held in “bite quarantine” for 10 days, as part of standard procedure. If no one attempts to claim the dogs after that time, they will likely be euthanized.

Ms. Lyle said representatives from her office were not called upon on Thursday at the time of the attack. She had not seen the victim's bites or the police report generated by the incident.
(Toledo Blade - Sept 9, 2014)

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