Monday, October 13, 2014

Dozens Of Dead Cats Found On Farm West Of Edmonton

CANADA -- An animal rescue organization is dealing with the aftermath of a grisly discovery on a rural property west of Edmonton.

A concerned neighbour contacted Infinite Woofs after several cats were hit and killed on Highway 22 near his home. Volunteers from the organization arrived to find close to 100 cats in the home, which was in deplorable condition.

“We realized there was about two feet of garbage and newspaper and cans and bottles. And there was about 35 deceased cats in various stages of decomposition,” said April Oakes, founder and president of Infinite Woofs.

“Even though we were wearing respirators we still were struggling to breathe through them, just because of the smell and the ammonia and everything that was going on in the house.”

She adds that more dead cats will likely be found on the property. Of the 69 cats that were still alive, 62 had to be euthanized because they were so diseased.

Infinite Woofs says it is working with RCMP and bylaw officers to get the house condemned and bulldozed.


It is not, however, pursuing charges against the property owner.

“I don’t think the owner realized how bad it got because he is in a nursing home and he hasn’t been to the property for quite some time…We just want to rescue the [remaining] cats.”

The Alberta SPCA is investigating but could not be reached for comment.

(Global news Canada - Oct 7, 2014)

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