Monday, October 20, 2014

Horror attack on cat

UNITED KINGDOM -- A CAT lover is considering moving house after one of her pets was savaged by a dog and is fighting for its life.

 Lorraine Wilson (52), from Bardsley, said the number of dogs in the area made it no longer safe for her four cats to live there.

 Her five-year-old cat Princess was mauled by a greyhound on a lead, with the dog-owner unable to prevent the attack. Princess managed to survive and, returned home hours later with horrific injuries.

A vet stitched the wounds. Princess now visits the vet every two days for treatment after surgery on two gaping wounds.

 Lorraine said: “I’m really worried about Princess. She is still far from out of danger. It seems like the dog walker didn’t care. From what I have been told he just carried on walking. I’m now worried to let my other cats out because there are so many dogs out there.”

(Oldham Chronicle - October 15, 2014)

1 comment:

  1. Oops! The media faltered in its nefarious crusade to smear nanny dogs and reported on a different breed's attack. *eyeroll* still feel awful for the cat and owner of course. :( no one decent likes innocent animal ouchies and craptacular dine-n-dash owners
