Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Guess What Clyde the Rescue Goat Does Each Morning?

TEXAS -- In Paradise, goats walk their kids to the bus stop.

Nope, not goat “kids.” Real ones!

Clyde the rescue goat walks brother and sister Kieran and Ellie Hunter to the bus stop every morning before school, where they hold on tight until it’s time to board.

Life wasn’t always full of long walks on a leash for Clyde, who was surrendered the SPCA of Texas as an underweight, sullen four-year-old; but once he gained a little bit of weight, Clyde perked up, and was ready to find a forever family of his own.

“When we saw Clyde online, we knew we had to go visit him,” said Suzanne Hunter, Clyde’s new mom. “Who could refuse that face?”

Clyde loves everyone in their home, including the family’s horses, dogs and other goats, but there’s no one he loves more than Kieran and Ellie.

“Clyde is an absolute hoot! I swear he thinks he’s a dog, and I’m not sure who has more fun walking him around on a leash, him or the kids,” she said.

Just like a pup, he loves having his favorite spot scratched: right behind his ear. Aside from seeing the kids off safely to school, eating is most definitely Clyde’s favorite pastime. He knows where the horse treats are stored, and can go into stealth mode if the gate to the hay is kept open.

Congrats, Clyde! Thanks for bringing out the “kid” in all of us!

(Affect Magazine - January 21, 2015)

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