Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Deliusional person of the day: "Pit bulls victims of stereotyping"

MASSACHUSETTS -- To the editor:

I am truly sorry that letter writer Jim Kenny was attacked by two dogs. Does it sound more vicious to say the dogs were pit bulls? Would he have named the breed if they had been any other breed of dog, like a vicious poodle maybe? I don't think so.

Responsible animal lovers are trying to change the way people view these dogs. These dogs, with responsible owners, can be awesome. They are loving, intelligent and gentle dogs and they desperately need our help.

So many of these dogs are euthanized because the shelters can't find enough homes for them. I encourage anyone looking to rescue a dog to consider a pit bull. See for yourself just how wonderful these dogs can be.

Mary J Fitch Dalton, MA

1 comment:

  1. Pit bulls are humanely euthanized in shelters because pit bull advocates refuse to neuter and spay their dogs, producing puppies destined to die in shelters if they are fortunate and on the streets if not so lucky. Pit bull advocates are responsible for the estimated million pit bulls euthanized every year in shelters in the United States. The peaceful public not guilty of anything more than common sense.

    "Responsible pit bull owners" need to clean up their own mess.
