Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Local woman arrested for animal cruelty after 10 neglected horses were found dead

GEORGIA -- Macon County Animal Control received some complaints recently regarding malnutritioned and adandoned horses.

Animal Control Officer Corey Lawrence and Officers from the Macon County Sheriff’s Department along with Sheriff Mark Gammons, went to the residence at 475 Taurus Farm Road and discovered 10 deceased horses and one deceased donkey on the property.

According to the arrest affidavits, the evidence showed that there was no feed or hay on the property and the pasture was completely barren. The animals were strewn throughout the property. After gathering evidence, speaking with neighbors in the area, and conducting interviews, Penny Whitehouse was charged with 11 counts of animal cruelty.

Sheriff Gammons was seen on NewsChannel 2 Feb. 10 driving WKRN’s Nadia Ramdass around the 20-plus acre property and pointing out the remains of the 10 horses and one donkey. He made a plea for Whitehouse to turn herself in to authorities.

Deputies told Ramdass that Whitehouse has a history with animal cruelty. She was charged with the crime in both Indiana and Michigan.

Penny Irene Whitehouse, 54, of 8442 Manchester Pike, Murfreesboro, did turn herself in and was arrested on February 11, 2015 by R. Smith and charged with 11 counts of cruelty to animals. Her court date is set for February 25, with bond set at $11,000.

(Macon county times - Feb 17, 2015)

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