Thursday, February 26, 2015

Woman bitten by Rottweiler while waiting at bus stop in Birkfield Drive, Ipswich

UNITED KINGDOM -- The incident happened in Birkfield Drive at approximately 7pm on Saturday, February 21.

A 24-year-old woman was standing at a bus stop when a woman walking a Rottweiler on a lead passed her. As she did, the dog bit the victim’s coat and she sustained grazing to the skin.

The dog walker was white, approximately 5ft 4ins tall, of large build, ages in her late 20s, had dark coloured hair in a ponytail and was wearing an orange hooded tracksuit style top.

Call Pc Elizabeth Fogarty on 101 quoting IW/15/644 with information.

(Ipswich Star - Feb 26, 2015)

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