Thursday, March 5, 2015

Elderly woman is viciously mauled after simply walking down the street

NORTH CAROLINA -- An elderly Fayetteville woman is recovering in the hospital from a dog attack that happened Wednesday afternoon.

Relatives say Linda Buie lost part of her finger and received some nasty bite wounds to her hand, face, and head.


The dog, named Hercules, was chained to a front porch ramp, a few feet from the street.

Animal control officials say when Buie walked close to the dog, the animal attacked her and a neighbor who tried to help.

Really what the victim was doing was simply walking down the street... I love how they blame the victim. Ooh, she "walked too close to the dog" and it was simply being protective. Uh, no, it is damn aggressive dog and lunges at whatever passes by.


Owner Wayne Buie said his 7-year-old mixed pit bull / boxer was protecting his property. He said his dog has never bitten anyone and is not vicious.

At the animal control compound, where the dog is under 10-day quarantine, Hercules appeared docile and friendly.

In the video, the animal control officer is leaning over and patting the dog on the head. It is simply lying there staring at her. This does not mean it's friendly!

( - March 5, 2015)

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