Thursday, March 5, 2015

Lee Thurston arrested for shooting crated family dog with rifle (while inside an apartment)

NEW HAMPSHIRE -- A Rochester, New Hampshire, man who shot a high powered rifle, killing a crated dog who was inside of the family's apartment, has been arrested and charged for the incident, reported Tuesday's Foster's Daily Democrat.

The incident took place on Monday night when 33-year-old Lee Thurston allegedly put the family dog, described as a pit bull, into a crate and then fired the weapon into the dog's neck; the dog died.

Thurston's actions were reported to be the result of an earlier incident in which the dog allegedly bit a four-year-old child. The child was not wounded enough to require being seen at a hospital.

Was this bite even reported to authorities? If not, it didn't happen.

According to Sea Coast Online, the boy, who is Thurston's son, had been playing with the dog prior to the alleged bite. The boy's aunt offered a different recount of what took place prior to the violent end to the dog's life.

Ashley Carattini, aunt of the child, said that the child's mother told her that the dog, named "Sophie," had bumped her head on the boy's head when the child was bouncing on a bed. When the mom went to retrieve a Band-Aid from another room, the fatal shot was fired.

Carattini said that Sophie, who was only one to two years of age, "had no aggressive bone in her body.”

Thurston is facing multiple charges, including reckless conduct, animal cruelty and unauthorized use of a firearm. After being arrested, Thurston posted bond and was released; he is due in court in April.

( - March 4, 2015)

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