Friday, March 6, 2015

Man shoots neighbor's pet, faces felony charges

TEXAS -- “He has a very goofy personality, he's always playing," says Kristalyn Salazar of her 2-year-old German Shepard Bolt.

The friendly German Shepard went missing last Monday night after escaping the backyard.

"I drove the streets, I made phone call looking for him and I couldn't find him," says Salazar.

Bolt was gone for the night, but the next day the family received a devastating call.

"They told me that there was a dog that resembled mine that had been shot," says Salazar.

Bolt was shot in an RV Park surrounded by other neighboring homes including the Salazar’s.

"It was horrible, horrible to see, especially my kids, my kids were right there I was really concerned about them seeing him in that state," says Salazar.

After emergency surgery, Bolt survived. He lost an ear and is suffering from a collapsed lung. The police report states the weapon used was a 12 gauge Mossburg Maverick shotgun.

“Honestly, it's pretty scary, I haven't slept well since then and I know people might say that it's just an animal, but it's pretty risky to just go and take a shotgun and shoot at an animal, towards houses," says Salazar.

In the report the man claims he feared for the safety of his family and that's why he shot Bolt. He now faces deadly conduct charges, which means he discharged a firearm in the direction of a house, vehicle, and/or person, a 3rd degree felony that could place him in jail for 10 years.

"What somebody can take from this is to watch your pets and watch your children, it could have been my child," says Salazar.

(FOX 29 - Mar 4, 2015)

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