Friday, March 6, 2015

United Kingdom: Stevie-Ley Murray, 22, admits to abandoning house full of animals to starve to death

UNITED KINGDOM -- A 22-year-old woman abandoned 19 animals in a foul-smelling Dundee home littered with feces.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard today that Stevie-Ley Murray left 12 cats to fend for themselves for nearly a month at a home on Benvie Road.

The court heard she also abandoned seven other caged animals – two bearded dragons, four rats and a hamster.

One rat was found dead in a cage and another had to be put down after an SSPCA visit to the home on April 7 last year.

Fiscal depute Douglas Wiseman said: “As SSPCA officers attended they noted a foul smell which got stronger as they approached. Once inside the smell was unbearable.

“Behind the door there was a cat litter tray which was covered in feces and the door itself was also covered in feces.

“The living room had several cats running about it and a tank with two bearded dragons which appeared lethargic.

“There were two rats in cages in the bathroom – one of which was dead.

“There were another two rats in cages in the bedroom which had newspaper and breakfast cereal type bedding, and there was a hamster in another cage.”

The animals were removed and it was discovered bearded dragons had metabolic bone disease, and most of the other animals had bilateral ear mite infestation.

Solicitor David Duncan told the court Murray had left the property nearly one month earlier on March 13 after her girlfriend allegedly assaulted her.

Mr Duncan said her then-girlfriend was placed on a bail condition not to enter Benvie Road but despite this she still agreed to look after the animals.

He added: “This meant Murray couldn’t go to the flat herself as she might see the other person. She accepts there was joint responsibility for the animals and that she did not carry out her duty to look after them.”

Murray, of Cleghorn Street, admitted animal neglect by failing to meet the needs of these animals, in that the floor of every room at her address on Benvie Road was littered with feces and rubbish, causing a foul smell; and that the animals were not provided with sufficient food as they were emaciated and that the bearded dragons were found to be suffering from metabolic bone disease.

Sheriff Tom Hughes disqualified Murray from owning or keeping animals for two years and fined her 400.

(Evening Telegraph UK - March 5, 2015)
