Sunday, April 5, 2015

Family left devastated after CCTV shows three-legged cat mauled to death by two dogs

UNITED KINGDOM -- A THREE-legged cat has been killed after being mauled by two Doberman-type dogs - leaving the animal’s owners distraught.

Footage of the attack - which ended in the death of the cat, named Freeman - was captured on a neighbour’s CCTV.

Owner Tracy Lynch, from Tarring, West Sussex, was distraught when the neighbour showed her the footage of her 11-year-old pet being mauled to death.



Mum-of-three Tracy, 44, said: "To find out he had been savaged by the dogs and the owners had not done anything is just completely callous.

"That's what's most distressing for us that they didn't do anything to check on the cat. My youngest son was completely distraught. This is the first family pet he's lost and he was in floods of tears."

A police spokesman said the dogs, which were running loose, were large, possibly Dobermans, and were collected by someone who turned up in a blue car.

The attack took place on Terry Rickards' front garden as he was away last week.

Terry said: "It amazes and sickens me that no attempt was made either at the time the dogs were recovered, or at a later stage, to check on the state of the cat.


"As far as I am aware, no attempt has been made since by the dog owners to seek the owners of the cat. "

"It's a pretty horrific attack really," Terry added.

The Lynch family has owned Freeman since 2004 when they got it from the RSPCA.

Tracy added: "He would go around the neighbourhood and everyone knew him. He was a real character. I think the neighbours will miss him out and about."

(Daily Record UK - April 4, 2015)

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