Sunday, April 12, 2015

Freeport neighbors upset over dog attack

MAINE -- There is controversy on the coast of Freeport, after a dog that many consider to be a pit bull allegedly attacked another dog. Police are investigating and several neighbors want the owners to get rid of the animal. The dog's owner, Leslie Davidson, insists her dog is not a threat.

Kristen Bailey thinks it is. She and her son took their labradoodle, Webster, for a walk Easter Sunday, when she says a "pit bull" attacked their dog. Bailey says "The pit bull hit my dog with such intensity that I fell backwards. I lost the leash and fell backwards and hit my head on the pavement."

Stunned at first, Bailey got up and tried to free her dog, while Davidson's husband tried to pull his dog off. Bailey says "The pit bull had my dog by the throat and would not let it go. A neighbor jumped on top of the pit bull and pried open its jaws. And that's what saved Webster."


Bailey thought her dog was going to bleed to death. She told us she rushed Webster to the animal hospital. But the cuts weren't deep. She says the veterinarian told her his thick fur likely saved him. Bailey pointed to cuts on the dog's neck. She says "There's a big cut here and down here."

Carla is the name of the dog responsible for the attack. We spotted her in the window.

Her owner, Leslie Davidson, told us she's a bulldog and boxer mix, not a pit bull. Davidson told us that her and her husband recently moved here and says they accidentally left the door open.

Hmm, I don't really care what she CHOOSES to call her vicious dog.

Davidson says this is the first time her dog has ever done this and doesn't know what provoked her.

She insists her dog is not aggressive, but says dogs like hers are bred to run off small prey.

Proof that idiots in all economic levels have vicious dogs.
Pit bull or Boxer/American Bulldog mix?
However, Kristen Bailey says "They clearly don't have control over it. It just attacked us."

The Bailey's are now passing out a flyer warning their neighbors of the dog. They are also circulating a petition, which they plan to present to the dog's owners, to get the dog out of the neighborhood." Bailey says she's worried about children, seniors and other pets who live in the neighborhood.

In the video clip, this idiotic woman says she's worried about other pit bulls
suffering the stigma of what this dog did, but says pit bulls aren't vicious.
I see SHE chooses to have a Lab rather than a pittie.

Bailey says "Pit bulls don't fit in here. And they need to know that the dog's not welcome."

But Davidson says her dog only had the other dog by its skin and was not trying to kill it. She told us she's sorry for what happened and says she's called a dog trainer because they are responsible dog owners.

(WGME - Apr 8, 2015)

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