Tuesday, April 21, 2015

More than 70 cats found living in 'horrific,' feces-strewn home

WASHINGTON -- More than 70 cats and kittens that had been living in squalor inside a Grant County home were rescued Monday and taken to a local animal shelter for treatment.

When authorities found the 71 cats, they were living in horrendous conditions inside a Electric City home, according to Pasado's Safe Haven.
The house was full of feces, urine, and layers of garbage. Flies swarmed throughout the home and the ammonia levels were so high they caused eye irritation and breathing problems.

Eight staff members from Pasado's drove to the Grant County home on Monday and rescued the animals. The staff members were forced to don full hazmat gear and respirators to safely be inside the home.

"Six inches of feces and garbage on pretty much every surface," said Laura Henderson with Pasado's. "It was truly horrific."

Officials from Pasado's coordinated the rescue operation with local law enforcement and animal welfare organizations.


Vets who examined the cats said most appear to have medical problems.

"Almost all of them are in some stage of an upper respiratory infection," said vet tech Erin Kelly. "They all have fleas -- at least on the outside -- ear mites."

Many of the cats also have internal and external parasites, and some have various other medical issues, including one cat that's breathing through holes in his sinuses. Some of the cats may lose an eye due to infections, according to Pasado's.

Three to five of the cats are pregnant, and one mother was found caring for kittens from multiple litters.

The owner of the cats is cooperating with police, but she will likely face charges.

"She had gotten in over her head and it was really bad," Henderson said.

(KOMO News - April 21, 2015)

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