Friday, April 10, 2015

New York: Doug Russell and Tracy Hoeppner-Russell pretended to run a rescue that was really a death camp. For all the suffering they inflicted on these animals, they get 3 years of probation

NEW YORK -- More than six months after their residence was raided by Wyoming County Animal Control, Tracy E. Hoeppner-Russell and Douglas F. Russell were sentenced to three years probation, restitution and community service.


The Warsaw couple was sentenced Monday, March 30 in Warsaw Town Court.

Hoeppner-Russell and Russell were charged with animal cruelty, neglect of an impounded animal and second-degree obstruction of governmental administration in September 2014 after an anonymous tip led Dog Control Officer Justa Goodell to check their home on Smallwood Road.

Enjoying fresh air for the first time in months, years...?

They claimed they were running a non-profit animal rescue / animal sheter called LITTLE PAWS, BIG HEARTS. Instead, they were collecting donations from animal lovers and abusing and killing cats inside their concentration camp of a home, which was condemned by authorities after the animals were rescued. 

How many shelters were handing animals over to these two morons with no questions asked? Did anyone - other than the person who tipped off police - ever go to the house to check conditions or to check paperwork to prove that the animals were being adopted out and not just take their word for it???

Enjoying themselves while they were
killing animals inside an ammonia-filled home

More than 100 cats were found in the residence, which was covered in feline feces and vomit and had no running water. Many of the cats had respiratory problems, and several dead cats were found in the garage and around the property.

A dead lab puppy, which the duo appeared to have deprived of food and water, was found in a dark upstairs room in the garage.

There was also a 2nd dog tied up that neither Doug Russell nor Tracy Hoeppner Russell told anyone about. It was not found until the next day, after it had died because it didn't have any water. This is why they were charged with obstruction, which is a more serious crime than animal cruelty.

Dead cats were found piled up at the residence

The majority of the rescued cats were taken by A New Start Kitty Shelter in Castile, with Going to the Dogs Rescue in Perry also providing assistance.

Neither Goodell nor Wyoming County Probation Director Joan Kibler could be reached for comment regarding the conditions of probation.

(MyWnyNews - April 9, 2015)
