Sunday, April 5, 2015

Nicolino Camardi, Calgary Man Who Tortured, Killed Dog And Cat Sentenced

CANADA -- A Calgary man who abused, starved and killed a dog and cat has been sentenced to 22 months in jail.

Nicolino Camardi

Nicolino Camardi, who is 19, is also banned for life from owning animals.

He has been in custody since he was arrested last May and is being given 16 months of credit for time served.

So basically he will be a free man in six months...

Camardi pleaded guilty in December to willfully causing unnecessary pain, suffering or injury to an animal.

The Calgary Humane Society began an investigation in January 2014 after a dog was found dead with tape around its muzzle and a dead cat was discovered with tape covering most of its face.

The humane society says the sentence reflects the serious nature of the offences.


An examination at a veterinarian's office determined the dog had suffered chronic malnourishment before its death.

The cat had been strangled and had injuries to its head, tail and hind limbs.

(Huffington Post Canada - March 27, 2015)


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