Sunday, May 3, 2015

Christian Jorgen Fahnoe starved his bull mastiff

SOUTH CAROLINA -- As you like have surmised, I am indeed a judgmental person. I don’t pretend to be otherwise. I get particularly judgmental when I’m writing about individuals who subject the most vulnerable among us — children, animals, the elderly and handicapped people — to needless pain and suffering.

Christian Jorgen Fahnoe of James Island, South Carolina, is one of those individuals, so I’m going to get all judgmental on his pasty ass.

Christian Jorgen Fahnoe, 25, worked as a line chef at a downtown Charleston restaurant. I sure as hell hope he keeps his place of work clean because his home on Dills Bluff Road was beyond disgusting.

His kitchen floor was covered completely in garbage, beer cans, beer bottles, a tire, and knives. How can anyone live like that, especially somebody who works with food?

There were also old bags of dog food, empty dog food cans, an empty food bowl and an empty water bowl. Those were for his 10-year-old bull mastiff, Miles Davis.

So where did Christian Jorgen Fahnoe keep his dog? Not where you’d expect a bull mastiff to be.

Miles Davis was kept in a bedroom closet. Not surprisingly, given the state of the kitchen, the closet was filled with garbage, dog feces and urine, and pieces of a torn-up dog bed.

That’s not healthy for a dog, you’re probably thinking, and you know what? You’d be right. I wouldn’t put a chihuahua in a closet, much less a mastiff!

I don’t know why Christian Jorgen Fahnoe decided to take his poor dog outside in March 2015, but thank gawd he did. He left Miles Davis on his front porch where, mercifully, the poor beast was spotted by a neighbour.

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. The picture below of Miles Davis is worth at least 10,000, not all polite. I gotta warn you, it’s a very disturbing photo of a dog in a deplorable condition.

It made me cry. If you’re an animal lover like me you’ll probably cry too. I wouldn’t show it except it says everything we need to know about the hellbeast, Christian Jorgen Fahnoe.

Before I go any further, I shall reassure you readers that the dog lived.

The neighbour who’d spotted Miles Davis called Charleston police right away. When they arrived, well, you can see what they saw. The poor creature was severely emaciated and dehydrated. He was 75 pounds underweight. He lacked muscle tone in his legs. He was covered with mange on his face, his legs, his back and his sides. He had open wounds on his stomach and rear legs.

Life for Miles Davis must have been hell, trapped in a closet with no food, no water, no sunlight, no love, only pain and loneliness.

I don’t know what Christian Jorgen Fahnoe planned for his dog. He’d had Miles Davis for 10 years, and there’s no way he didn’t know he should feed, clean, and exercise the dog at the very least. The nasty, filthy bastard merely chose to leave the dog to suffer and starve.

The dog was handed over to the Charleston Animal Society. Within a month he gained 23 pounds. Hundreds of people so far have offered to adopt the rescued mastiff, so hopefully he’ll live out his life with the love and care he deserves.

Miles Davis the dogThe photo here is the “after” photo, although he’s still far from being 100% fit. It’s amazing what good food, water, medical treatment and loving care can do for an animal. The good people at the Charleston Animal Society brought Miles Davis back from the brink. BTW, they have a medical fund that people can donate to, as well as other dogs up for adoption.

Christian Jorgen Fahnoe was arrested on March 25, 2015, and charged with cruelty to animals. On April 28, 2015, he was convicted of misdemeanor animal neglect in Charleston Municipal Court.
So what kind of penalty is given to individuals like this who make animals suffer horribly in Charleston? Well, IMO, they get pitifully lenient sentences.

Christian Jorgen Fahnoe was sentenced to 30 days in jail — suspended. He has 6 months to pay a $500 fine and reimburse the Charleston Animal Society the sum of $1530.

Why is there not a lifetime ban on owning animals? I’d hate to think how Christian Jorgen Fahnoe would treat his next pet/victim.

So please, people of James Island, do not ever give or sell an animal to Christian Jorgen Fahnoe. Do not ever even let him pet sit for you. I wouldn’t trust him with a pet rock! And I don’t think I’d trust him to prepare a meal for me, knowing how filthy his home is. Ewwww.

( - May 1, 2015)

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