Tuesday, April 21, 2015

California: El Sereno Woman Claims Pet Beagle Was Stabbed to Death in Her Yard

CALIFORNIA -- An El Sereno woman who found the body of her 14-year-old beagle in her yard claims the dog was stabbed to death last week and wants the killer brought to justice.

On Friday, Cynthia Cornejo put a sweater jacket on her beagle Claire as she did most mornings and didn’t think much of it when she heard Claire barking as she was getting ready for work at about 4:15 a.m.

When she left the home a short time later, Cornejo saw Claire’s body in the corner of her fenced in front yard.

RIP Claire
“I knew she was dead … I slowly approached and I saw a hole about the size of a baseball right underneath her left leg,” Cornejo said.

Cornejo took Claire to the North Figueroa Animal Hospital. She says the veterinarian determined Claire had been stabbed to death.

An etymologist, who Cornejo said made the same determination after examining Claire’s jacket and some photos, suggested she call 911 to report how Claire was found.

Animal cruelty officials were notified, but Claire’s body had already been cremated.

Cornejo also notified the district attorney’s office, but was told that without a suspect there wasn’t much they could do.

Meanwhile, neighbors are uneasy with a possible dog killer on the loose.

“I have two dogs of my own … it’s scary. I felt so bad for her,” Monica Andujo, Cynthia’s neighbor said.

Anyone with information about Claire’s death was asked to contact the Los Angeles Police Department’s Animal Cruelty Task Force at 213-486-0450.

(KTLA - April 20, 2015)

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