Sunday, May 24, 2015

'She had no idea what was going on': Family left heartbroken after their famous surfing pet dog is viciously mauled to death by two German shepherd

AUSTRALIA -- A family have been left heartbroken after the loss of their beloved Jack Russell terrier, Ruby, who had a passion for surfing.

The Lloyd family, Rob, Marg and their daughter Tegan, were left reeling after Ruby's death after she was fatally savaged by two german shepherds on a residential street in March.

The eight-year-old pooch is remembered by many through her love of the ocean, boogie boards, swimming pools and her dog-sized life jacket she wore when taking on waves at the Sunshine Coast.

'She was something special and we miss her so much,' Rob Lloyd told Daily Mail Australia.

On a Saturday in late March, Marg Lloyd decided to take the terrier for a walk instead of to the beach considering a stroll would be less crowded.

When on Pt Cartwright Dr, two german shepherds escaped through their poorly maintained fencing grabbed the tiny dog and flung her into the air, knocking Marg to the ground in the process.

'She was so dazed and shocked, she had no idea what was going on,' Rob said.

'Ruby was still standing as she's one tough little thing, but was panting and had a lot of blood on her.'

After rushing the five kilogram terrier to the local vet, they were told she had the worst injuries they had seen in 20 years.

Ruby had punctured kidneys, a perforated colon, severely damaged abdominal muscles and internal bleeding.

'We were told if we were to persevere, they would have to have a specialist vet from Brisbane drive up to try and save her and it would cost $15,000 and she would need four to five hours of skin grafts alone, all with no guarantee,' Rob said.

'So I went up to surgery when she was on life support and said goodbye to her after eight and a half years of having this little girl with us.'

Images posted on Tegan's blog and social media show Ruby taking on the surf at the Sunshine Coast while perched on a long board in her custom life jacket.

'Rest in peace to the most amazing little dog a girl could ask for, it's so unfair and horrible how you went but my heart is so filled of love from the 8.5 years I had with you,' Tegan posted on her blog after the ordeal.

'An avid gecko hunter, swimmer, stick enthusiast and surfer girl (my fave to watch) with such a charismatic personality'

The family have said how the little dog would take on anything to do with water.

'She loved to swim in the canal and would fetch the sticks I threw 50 metres out,' Rob said.

Mr Lloyd said he had launched a civil action for next month in hopes of recovering the money he spent trying to save Ruby.

One of the german shepherds was destroyed due to the ordeal.
(Daily Mail - May 24, 2015)

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