Sunday, May 24, 2015

Tennessee: Man and his dogs attacked by a Pit Bull. Wants laws changed -- but he needs to utilize the laws already in place in Tennessee

TENNESSEE -- We are attempting to raising a medical and justice fund to help Greg, Argus, and Rocky. All 3, victims of a vicious pit bull attack.

On the morning of May 22, at approximately 7:30 am, Greg was walking Argus (Boxer mix) and Rocky (Papillion). They were headed home, when a pit bull charged from behind, focusing its attack upon Rocky (this pit is small animal aggressive).

Argus being the protector he is, took the stance and brunt of the initial blow of the attack suffering several puncture wounds and lacerations to his chest and front leg areas.

The pit was determined to kill Rocky, the smaller dog. Fortunately for Rocky, his thick coat, Rocky only suffered a few puncture wounds and scrapes. He is a real trooper.

During the attack, Greg attempted to raise Rocky high enough in the air and into his arms, to protect his wife's dog, Rocky, from the vicious attack. The pit bull bit into the Greg's left middle finger, mauling it and partially de-socking it (aka degloving).

As fortunate would have it, a CSX rail road employee, who was driving by, came to the rescue by pulling the pit bull off of Greg and stayed between the pit bull and Greg & his dogs.

The pit bull was picked up by the county sheriff's department and animal control. The pit bull will ONLY be locked up for a 10 day observation to ensure it is not have rabies. After that time, the owner can pick up the pit bull. Yes... we see the rights of this vicious pit bull and it's owner over the rights of the victims. 

We do not believe we will see any monetary reparations from these individuals (owners of the pit) at all.

There may be the possibility of nerve damage to Greg's left hand/finger, and as well as help poor Argus is needing and will be needing possible extra care. We also want to seek the right course of actions in ensuring this vicious pit bull is kept off the streets... preferably blocked from being picked up at all.

Argus, attacked by Pit Bull

We also wish to pursue, through legal channels, the changing of the law in Tennessee that puts the victim's rights over the rights of vicious animals and their owners rights. Once a vicious animals has been proven to be vicious in nature, as in the case of this pit bull, it should NOT be allowed back out... to possibly kill a child or attack anyone or anything.

If you agree... Please help our cause.

Justice & Help for Greg & Argus.

GOFUNDME: Justice for Argus, Rocky & Greg
Created May 23, 2015
Greg M Jones

Update - May 27, 2015
How unfortunate it is to learn that the owners of the dog that bit me, have been able to claim their dog before the 10 days were up.

I was informed after the fact, that according to state law, they were within their rights to get their dog back, and only pay a $30 pound fee.

This is a travesty and an insult to myself, my family, and my dogs. Not to mention the countless number of victims of animal/pit bull attacks that happen all to often.

I pray, if you are seeing this, you will donate to my cause in attempting to get the law in Tennessee changed. To put the VICTIMS rights over that of the dog owners rights.

I wish to see the owners of animals, such as the one that attack me and my dogs, have to pay a substantial amount more, like having to pay for the initial ER visit, pet visit, and any other medical bill incurred by the victim within the first 7 - 10 days of the initial attack. Plus, the owners should be made to show a rabies vaccination document or the dog MUST stay confined with animal control for the 10 days and pay a daily pound fee. The fact that owners only pay $30 to get a pet back, that has bitten someone, is a slap in the face to all victims.

Please me get this law changed.

Update - February 2016
Almost a year later, I finally will get to court on February 25th. Not sure what will transpire. Considering these people are trash... I do not see this going aa planned.

Your help would still be greatly appreciated.

Update - September 2017
Well... a little over 2-years later, still working on paying off the medical bills from the dog attack. Eventually, we will get it cleared up.

The woman who owned the dog is a crack head, and has disappeared off the radar. I'll never see a dime of what she owes. Quite disappointing to be honest.

I would like to thank everyone for their well wishes. They were very much appreciated. Thank you.

Notes: I looked up Tennessee's laws and they do have state criminal statutes on the books. First, it is a Class B Misdemeanor if your dog is running loose and causes "property damage". This covers your pets, as they are considered property. So clearly, the Pit Bull owner could be charged with this. 

Second, it is a Class A Misdemeanor if your dog is running loose and bites a human being causing "bodily injury". Clearly, the Pit Bull owner could be charged with this as well because the Pit Bull bit Greg. 

Now I believe those two statutes say they're punishable by fine only. However, a judge can order the owner do certain things - keep the dog muzzled, neuter it, etc. Also, these charges would go on their criminal record - meaning it will follow them so if they move away and this dog does something else, law enforcement will know about this attack.

Third, it is a Class E Felony if your dog is running loose and bites a human being causing "serious bodily injury". They have defined requirements to meet this level of injury. So it would depend on what Greg's doctor says. Is there nerve damage? We take our fingers and hands for granted, but think about it -- you use a computer keyboard, dial/text on your phone, grip a steering wheel, grip dishes and silverware when eating, grip a hairbrush, scissors, play piano, etc. If you can no longer use that finger/hand to grip things, you've been maimed for life. If you can no longer bend that finger to type on a keyboard, you've been maimed for life - so it's all how you and your doctor can sell it to prosecutors in regards to this vicious dogs and the injuries it caused. 

Also, there is a Tennessee state law that says a judge can order a vicious dog to be euthanized - even if the owners want it back. Again, the injuries have to qualify as "serious bodily injury"... but that's an option. 

Their best bet is to get Cedar Hill or Robertson County to adopt local ordinances that put restrictions on vicious dogs. Most irresponsible owners won't/can't pay to maintain liability insurance, have enclosed kennels, etc. for their mauler and will surrender it to be euthanized. 

That being said, they don't need money given to them for this. They don't need to hire a lawyer. They simply need to start a local FB page asking for stories and photos of people attacked by dogs. Take that to the city leaders and get a law put in place.