MICHIGAN -- A landscape worker bitten in the face by a dog while working at a residential property in the City of Troy received a $ 50,000.00 settlement.
The gentleman was referred to our office by another law firm because of our expertise in handling dog attack cases in Michigan. The client suffered a laceration on his cheek that required emergency treatment at a local clinic. He has a permanent, small facial scar as a result of the dog bite.
We contacted the dog owner and the claim was submitted to the homeowner’s insurance company. Our firm obtained the medical records, medical bills, and photographs to present to the insurance adjuster. We also had the gentleman evaluated by a local plastic surgeon to provide an opinion on treatment options and long term prognosis.
The scar had finished the healing process and left a small, but noticeable scar on the face. The client is African American and this scar formed a keloid scar on a conspicuous part of his face. The plastic surgeon did not recommend treatment because the surgery might leave additional scarring and there was no guarantee of improvement.
Before the filing of a lawsuit, we discussed a settlement with the insurance adjuster of the dog owner. After lengthy negotiations, we obtained a pre-suit settlement in the amount of $ 50,000.00 for our client. This was a substantial settlement in light of the relatively minimal scar and the limited amount of medical expenses.
(Buckfire & Buckfire - June 29, 2015)