Friday, December 18, 2015

Surveillance video catches prowler getting attacked by South African Boerboel

SOUTH AFRICA -- This surveillance video, recorded December 3rd, shows a prowler who has climbed a privacy fence into a resident's yard. After poking around the side of the house a bit, it appears as though he is speaking to a dog, which can't be seen.

A few minutes later, the larger dog runs into view and attacks the prowler. You'll see that the bad guy doesn't immediately get away.


Watch this video and you'll see why, not only is it important to have surveillance video systems at your property, but also why it can be important (depending on where you live) to have a large dog to protect it. The smaller dogs mill around watching the action but do not appear to get involved. If this large dog had not been there, the thief could have stolen whatever he wanted, including the dogs. And what's to say that he was only looking to steal property? Maybe he would have broken into the home and raped or murdered the occupants?

Unfortunately, the article in the Middelburg Observer is not in English so I can't post the details. But suffice it to say, the prowler did not get away and you can pretty much ascertain that the article is calling the dog is a hero!


Keeping yourself safe
After you have viewed the video once, watch it again. But this time imagine yourself on the sidewalk or street minding your own business and this loose dog (which is described as a South African Boerboel) has come at you.

How will you react? If it hasn't bitten you yet, what - if anything - can you do to keep the dog from attacking? If the dog does attack, what are things you can do to minimize the damage and get away?

Certainly having a carry permit and a gun would be the obvious answer. But what about carrying a pocketknife? An umbrella may be an option, your backpack or bookbag or a walking stick... anything to put between you and the dog as a barrier.

(Middelburg Observer - Dec 3, 2015)


  1. According to Goggle Translate, this intruder had already broken into three other garages first and stolen work boots and tools. Then he ran into this pit bull - mastiff mix the kennel clubs have decided to call 'Boerboel'.

    It seems our blogger here poses good questions, because the article also states: ""Everyone complained about Sunnybill in the complex, but after his heroic actions, he is now everyone's hero!" She said. Van Rooyen said."

    So apparently this pit bull mix has indeed routinely been loose, and it's been harassing other residents who are minding their own business. I'm sure their delight with this gripper's actions towards the burglar will quickly die down, as it continues to make their daily lives miserable.

  2. It's a Boerboel. There are no Pit Bull genetics in there at all.

  3. boerboel is NOT a pitbull mix !!! ignorant should avoid to state their opinion before they make a research and get to know what they speak about. ...a pitbull mix !!!
