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These Beagles are being cruelly confined by Daniel Cruz in Ashe County, NC. |
Fitzpatrick, who also goes by Lisa Neyland Delaurentiis Fitzpatrick, was released from the Ashe County Detention Center the same day after posting a $500 secured bond, according to Ashe County Sheriff James Williams.
“The property owner, Daniel Cruz, came to see me this morning (Feb. 5) and he was livid,” Williams said. “He said he works in Boone and that that business had been flooded with calls from people demanding that he be fired, that his boss man had been getting calls all day long from these nutcases from across the country.”
Why isn't the Sheriff "livid" that Cruz won't take proper care of his dogs? If I were the Sheriff, I would've told Cruz, "Maybe if you took better care of your dogs these people wouldn't keep calling in. Do what you need to do and the complaints will stop. In the meantime, don't bother me with your petty complaints about how you're the victim."
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No proper shelter, no clean water, feces-filled muck in kennel. Yet Sheriff James Williams refers to the owner Daniel Cruz as the VICTIM. |
“This is OK in our county,” the person filming the video said. “I’ve been told Animal Control is on their way out, and see if the dogs are taken. I see no food or water anywhere.”
Online, Fitzpatrick has defended herself saying SHE WAS ON THE ADJOINING PROPERTY AND THAT SHE HAD THAT PROPERTY OWNER'S PERMISSION TO BE THERE. Whatever is "in plain view" is legal for her to photograph and record. It will be interesting to see how this case against her unfolds when she provides proof of her innocence.
Beagles in "good condition", insists Joe Testerman
The Director of Ashe County Animal Control, Joe Testerman, said he visited the property on the same day that Facebook video was posted. He said the dogs in question were in no immediate danger, and a note was left for the property owner to call Testerman’s office.
“I’m sure Lisa will probably disagree with me, but the dogs were fat and there were no signs of distress and they were dry and clean,” Testerman said. “Yes there was some mud and standing water in one of the pens. We’d just had heavy rains and let’s be real, you’re going to see a lot of water in that situation, but the dogs had a house and they had an opportunity to get out of that. I saw no reason to take the dogs.”
Testerman said his office has periodically received complaints about that Lansing property in the past, and he said the dogs’ owner had been investigated on cockfighting charges several years ago.
“But he’s never had any other charges brought onto him,” Testerman said. “Every time we’ve visited in the past we’ve seen a few little things that we think need to be fixed, maybe straw or wood chips that can help keep a pen from turning into a mud hole, but those are suggestions and it’s never rose to a level where I can take somebody’s dog.”
Per the Ashe County, NC Code of Ordinances, the puppy mill owner Daniel Cruz is REQUIRED by law to provide proper shelter and clean water.
Proper shelter in this kind of weather means a size-appropriate dog house with straw or cedar shavings stuffed inside for warmth - not just a giant plastic box doghouse. Each dog should have its own size-appropriate shelter because not all dogs want to huddle together at all times - sometimes squabbles break out and the low man on the totem pole gets left out in the cold - literally. Put three shelters out there and if they choose to share one, so be it, but you should have one per dog available.
Clean water means just that - CLEAN water. Do you see anything that could be remotely considered 'clean water'?
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This dog house is falling apart and is not considered proper shelter, per Ashe County law. |
Is the food being dumped in the mud? Is the mud mixed with excessive amounts of feces? I doubt Cruz is sloshing through that mess and picking up the feces. To get to any source of water or to go to the bathroom, the dogs slosh through the muck. Then they climb back on the dog house and lick their paws, ingesting rancid feces/urine/mud.
Testerman himself says that Cruz has been complained on FOR YEARS and that they go out and always find something wrong. How many times do they have to go out there and 'nudge him' to do the right thing?
Maybe you don't have enough to seize the animals and file criminal charges, but he is definitely in violation of numerous county ordinances - noise violations, public nuisance from the stench of uncleaned kennels, (possibly) no proof of rabies vaccination, not providing proper shelter, not providing clean water.
Maybe if you'd pulled out your citation book and started writing him one ticket after another for violations on EVERY SINGLE DOG, you wouldn't have to keep fielding complaints from citizens and returning to tell this idiot the same thing over and over. And if Cruz wants to argue the tickets, tell him go ahead, and you'll show the judge the photos and let him/her decide if he's in compliance with the laws of Ashe County.
It's called DOING YOUR JOB.
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How many dogs are on Cruz's dilapidated property? Another video seems to show dozens upon dozens of dogs on this dumpy property. |
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to molest, torture, torment, deprive of necessary sustenance, cruelly beat, needlessly mutilate or kill, wound, injure, poison, abandon, or subject to conditions detrimental to its health or general welfare of any animal, or to cause or procure such action. The words “torture” and “torment” shall be held to include every act, omission or neglect whereby unjustifiable physical pain, suffering, or death is caused or permitted; but such terms shall not be construed to prohibit lawful taking of animals under the jurisdiction and regulation of the Wildlife Resources Commission; nor to prohibit the Department or veterinarians or duly authorized persons from destroying dangerous, unwanted, or injured animals in a humane manner.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any owner or keeper to fail to provide his animal(s) with proper shelter and protection from the weather, sufficient and wholesome food and water to keep his animal(s) in good health and comfort, and the opportunity for vigorous daily exercise. Veterinary care shall be provided when needed to prevent suffering.
(A) An animal or group of animals shall be considered a nuisance if:
(1) Private or public property is damaged.
(2) Animal(s) interfere with, or attack person(s) or other animals.
(3) Animal(s) chase, snap at or harass pedestrians, bicyclists, or vehicles.
(4) By virtue of number is offensive or dangerous to public health, safety, and welfare.
(5) Animal(s) are diseased or dangerous to public health.
(B) It shall be unlawful for an owner or keeper to permit an animal or animals to create a nuisance, or to maintain a nuisance created by any animal or animals, as defined in division (A)(1) through (5) above of this section.
In the video, she comments about the atrocious stench coming from the kennels containing the dogs. This watery muck is a mixture of mud, feces and urine. Dog feces is NOT manure. It must be picked up and removed. The stench and the non-stop barking should be enough to cite Daniel Cruz on violations of this ordinance.
For each dog without current proof of rabies vaccination, I would write a ticket. If that dog has no proper shelter, I'd write another ticket. If that dog doesn't have clean water, I'd write another ticket. If the kennel is full of rancid muck, I'd write another ticket for public nuisance. If the dog is barking non-stop, I'd write another ticket for public nuisance. That's potentially FIVE TICKETS PER DOG. How many dogs are on the property in these conditions? Keep writing, Joe...
For each dog without current proof of rabies vaccination, I would write a ticket. If that dog has no proper shelter, I'd write another ticket. If that dog doesn't have clean water, I'd write another ticket. If the kennel is full of rancid muck, I'd write another ticket for public nuisance. If the dog is barking non-stop, I'd write another ticket for public nuisance. That's potentially FIVE TICKETS PER DOG. How many dogs are on the property in these conditions? Keep writing, Joe...
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Dozens upon dozens of dogs living in these conditions. Can you imagine the stench and the noise from their barking? |
Now it just may be that Joe Testerman is being prevented from doing his job. This usually happens when the suspect is either friends or business associates with people in power -- the mayor, commissioners, the sheriff and/or his captains and chiefs, prosecutors, judges, well-known attorneys who are friends with judges/law enforcement, nearby law enforcement jurisdictions. It may be that Testerman was told "hands off" this Cruz guy. THIS KIND OF STUFF HAPPENS EVERYWHERE, NOT JUST SMALL TOWNS. So maybe Testerman has been ordered not to write Cruz any citations so he does the best he can, which is to go out there and nudge Cruz into providing straw or clean water when he sees how bad it's getting...
(Jefferson Post - Feb 6, 2016)
why the hell do they even have so called animal control when they do nothing, do not even make this guy do anything about the ordinances he has broken or think what is happening and the condition of this place is disgusting and not good conditions for any animal to be subjected to!
ReplyDeleteYou seem to have two hillbilly hicks that are way to lazy to do their job, I would personally take each dog away from that hell hole in which they live in and start a petition to get this property deemed condemned, no animal should be made to live like this. Something tells me these public officials are some how related, or they are receiving some kind of kickback from the owner. Some people are just disgusting ass wastes of oxygen.
ReplyDeleteSpot on! Hillbilly is right.
DeleteI believe that too...and yes, some people are a waste of oxygen.....so, anyone know why this so called man has THAT many dogs???????
DeleteI have driven by this place for a long time now and it is nothing short of a DUMP in more ways than one. Having said that, if this man is pushed I fear for the safety of the dogs. I would not be surprised if one day they they just disappear without a trace.
ReplyDeleteI don't at all agree with the conditions these dogs live in, but it is also UNLAWFUL to trespass. Sounds a little hypocritical to me. If you want to make change, do it within the system, or advocate for other officials to be appointed/elected. The Sherriff and Mr. Testerman do the best they can do within the law, and with the budgets they have to work with.
ReplyDeleteThe woman who videoed the dogs' kennels said she was on the adjacent property and had that property owner's permission. I wouldn't call that hypocritical.
DeleteDo you read, or just comment without knowing the content of the story?
DeleteGee, Ed, read the freaking story, IDIOT! How is it you seem to "know" she was trespassing?? And better still, how is it you "know" that these buffoons do the best they can?? Poor fellows, must be your inbred relatives.
DeleteBULLSHIT. They WERE NOT trespassing you idiot. Stop posting your garbage.
DeleteThey have also been paid to be on a reality show for National Geographic ... I think they need to be notified ... it was back in 2014 from what I have read so far!
DeleteI'm with Ed on this one...
DeleteEd Hurst, and Cody Ratcliff, you both must be friends with The Sherriff and Mr. Testerman (In
DeleteThe good 'ol boys Hillbilly Club)Yes?
I have evidence, Lisa Fitzpatrick's private messages sent to me where she admits to stalking. It isn't about "saving Lansing North Carilona's animals" but a personal vendetta, witch hunt, against Joe Testerman and officials of Lansing NC. Her objective is having a Lifetime movie with her as the star. Lisa Fitzpatrick is a fake! Her demands for better living conditions for Cruz dogs were met but that wasn't enough, she wants to continue her harassment of Cruz, Testerman and city officials in Lansing.
DeleteWOW!!!! Are you an IDIOT!!!!I have known Lisa for 15 yrs long before she moved here. She was the same way (protecting the rights of animals) where she lived before. So if you want to accuse her of a personal vendetta you are wrong...It's called frustration from NOTHING being done about the horrid living conditions that these dogs have to live in. I do believe that the officials are NOT doing their jobs when it comes to Cruz. They either are buddies with him or where told to leave him alone by higher up officials because NO ONE with half a brain or any love and compassion for animals would let animals live like this. I have the answer. Cruz should have to live in one of those enclosures with feces everywhere and no clean water and no food...for one week!!!! I bet he wouldnt last one night...
DeleteWhether you believe one side or the other, the proof is in the videos and pictures. Get your heads out from between your legs and do your job. This would never fly here in Massachusetts. We don't take to kindly to people such as yourselves.
DeleteI don't want to see any animal mistreated or hungry. But I have to wonder what if this much anger and effort were put into homelessness, hungry children and the elderly who must choose between medication and good/heat? Wow...what might be accomplished. There are more important things to fight for. As for As our officials, they are not heartless or hicks. They are doing their jobs. Again, I love animals and want to see them taken care of. But I have to wonder what is next. Will animal owners be required to keep them inside? Maybe so but they will probably also be required to have their own rooms..
ReplyDeleteKeeping them inside instead of outside 24/7 is coming. And it should be that way. If you don't want your dog to be part of your family, then you should not have a dog. Period. You wouldn't put your kids outside like that would you? Or other family members? People do what they can. As for people, as long as people keep electing candidates that help the wealthy and corporations, then that will never change either. The local officials have the opportunity to step up and join civilization. Or they can stay in the ignorant dark ages. How people treat animals is a reflection on how they treat people, so start with the animals.
DeleteNancy Jones, I hope you don't have children or pets. What an incredibly stupid comment! Really.
DeleteI have an excellent idea use that mouth to stand up for our elderly and children who are in the cold w/o food and medicine and proper housing instead of worrying about all the drama with the animals that are just fine happy and healthy!!
DeleteI have a better idea. Lets forget about the children and the elderly and worry about climate change!!!! This is how stupid you sound. It is possible to be concerned about children and the elderly AND animals, really it is. Being concerned about children and the elderly does not excuse you to abuse or ignore the abuse of animals.
DeleteWhy can't people be concerned about animals and their welfare without people saying what about children and elderly? Many of us are not only advocates for animals but also for children and the elderly. We spend our lives helping not only humans but animals and spend thousands of our own money doing it. How much Nancy and MME comes out of your pockets to help children, elderly or animals? Did you send $5,000 to the childrens hospital and bring presents to the kids who had to spend the holidays in the hospital? Did you visit the nursing homes and spend time with many of the forgotten elderly (they love even the smallest gift and it would make you cry to see it)? Did you see a dog hit by a car and take it to an emergency vet despite the fact that it bled all over your car seat? The people who complain the most usually do the least amount all the time, they just want to complain about people trying to right a wrong. No living creature should suffer, human or animal period.
DeleteWe are not talking about homeless people. If that's your passion, go work on it. We are talking about the local Sherriff and Joe Testerman not doing one thing to help the animal neglect and cruelty conditions at this residence. I think the need to lose their jobs and run out of town as imposters. I think the FBI Animal Cruelty division needs to be notified!
DeleteNancy, if you want to help children and the elderly get on it! They need all the help they can get.. I bet you vile tee lots of your time to these causes, right...do not bash people for trying to make the world better kinder and to help stop suffering. You should applaud these folks and take thier energy and resolve to address issues you find important. If you r just sitting on your lazy ass critiquing STOP wasting you time and get out and do something!!
DeleteAre their no trespassing signs? Technically if not posted and no witnesses.......................
ReplyDeleteThere is a witness. The dummy made a video of her trespassing and then posted it on facebook
ReplyDeleteThere is no proof of that, Amy.
DeleteShe was on adjoining property and had permission to be there.
DeleteAll those dogs they are referring to are not dogs, they are chicken pens.
ReplyDeleteDo you need glasses? The picture clearly shows 3 dogs standing on top of their dog house so they wont have to stand in the water,urine and feces all mixed together..and yes there are also 75 cages for ROOSTERS which he keeps for fighting..he was already found guilty of cock fighting and wasnt allowed to have any animals for 3 years but now that the 2 years are up he is right back at it..
DeleteNot to be an ass but I see it like this those who would put any animal over a human are a lil wack but at the same time there are ways to be for animals like the ASPC not going around like your in a war tryen to ruin ppls lifes just because you don't agree with their situation! those who have a dog or even a cat for a kid I bless them but their are a lot of real children out here in Ashe County who are hungry and cold or being physically and sexually abused be a foster parent for them!!!What I am trying to say! I just don't know how any one can put a dog in the same category as a child. Like I love my dog. He lives inside. He has constant shelter, food, water, toys, attention, and medical care when needed but I can still differentiate between him and a human. I'd let my dog go hungry long before my kid..
ReplyDeleteYou are so dellusional. Dogs are family members just like kids. You're a fucking hypocrit too. This place is a wasteland and a dump! The asshole living here should have his dogs taken away and given to loving homes. Why don't YOU take one and set an example??? No? Didn't think you were willing to do that, you consider dogs to be dirt if they are left outside, well lady, I will tell you that NO DOG is a goddamn lawn ornament of a status symbol. You cannot POSSIBLE care for dogs if you berate someone for placing them on the same level as a kid. I have 2 dogs, and they ARE my kids. I baby them and love on them all day long. Kids steal from you, lie to you, spread vicious lies about you, kill you, and ignore you. I have never known a dog to do ANY of that, so YES, I WILL take dogs over kids 7 days a week, 365 days a year!!!
DeleteGet out and do something just me. Quit bashing people for kindness and respect for living creatures. You probably do hours of community service and volunteering for your causes right! Ps if you can not feed your pet please give him up to a shelter. If you can not feed your children there is help for you get on it and quit bashing other good people. Get out and work for your causes so that you do not have time to critize people trying to help.
DeleteI also see that Lisa Fitzpatrick, should be charged and found guilty of much more than trespassing such as slander and defamation of character of all the ppl she has wrote ignorant stuff about in papers fb and anywhere else she can!! Maybe you just need to get a job at the ASPC and let the show you true cases of abuse or even go sit back and enjoy being old but for sure you need to leave Ashe County, Sheriff Williams and Officer Joe Testerman alone!!!
ReplyDeleteIn order for Cruz to sue Fitzpatrick for defamation, the burden is on Cruz to prove that the statements are untrue. Cruz's problem is that the video clearly shows that he is in violation of the law... maybe not North Carolina law, but he is definitely in violation of Ashe County law. Therefore, Fitzpatrick is not guilty.
DeleteOMG, truly you are an ignorant hick, an illiterate hoosier, as evidenced by your grammar . . . "all the ppl she has WROTE??" OMG, third grade education showing? You clearly have no idea of the true definition of what slander and defamation are, let alone how much evidence & documentation of harm done as a result of said accusations, such as losing his job. UNFORTUNATELY, these clowns still have theirs, much to the detriment of animals all over the county. They are clearly lazy, incompetent buffoons who seem to have some sort of cozy relationship with this filthy pig of a property owner. Ms. Fitzpatrick has every RIGHT to expose these flagrant violations -- and if your pals were doing their jobs, she wouldn't have to! This is not "defamation" or "slander", it's called pointing out the obvious. There is no law against that last time I checked. Sad how utterly dim-witted you seem, but I'm sure there's always a place in the Ashe County administration for you!
DeleteShe has NOT defamed ANYONE. She told the truth about this piece of shit and the way he treats and houses his dogs, which, truthfully, is a FLAGRANT violation of the LAW! Scumbags like this need to be brought to light, and made to either comply or face the charges. I see the deputy as being a fat lazy ass, donut eating turd, too lazy to write the scumbag up. He doesn't want to bother with the paperwork. That is the issue with MOST of the cops today, too lazy to do the paperwork. YOU just need to shut the fuck up, there will be no charges against her, she DID NOT tresppass, defame or slander ANYONE. She spoke the truth and I would stand with her on everything.
Deletewow....clearly these dogs are living a great life.......smh...Clearly these dogs are NOT being taken care of. To the men NOT doing anything about this, Shame on you...I am sure you guys get paid for doing a job...if this guy is a friend of yours...at least tell him he needs to keep shelter, food, and water for these dogs and maybe clean up their shit every now and then. Truth is the owner of those dogs is just wrong...and why in the world does he NEED all of them????????? Hate I had to see this ...special place in hell for some people...and crazy people...don't respond as this is my opinion....right or wrong... I also try to help children and elderly too...just happens that we are talking about dogs here...thanks
DeleteLisa Fitzpatrick message below. Fitzpatrick stalks, slanders & harasses ANYONE who does not agree with her. She organizes personal attacks upon Testerman & city counsel members. She & her groups behavior is unacceptable. If it is fighting for better living conditions for animals in Lansing NC, she is going about it wrong. Lansing officials were willing to work with her to improve the animals living conditions at Cruz property but as you can read, this didn't make Lisa happy. Just the opposite. Fitzpatricks (see next post) conducting a personal vendetta against Joe Testerman, Daniel Cruz & anyone who stands in her way of "getting even". Testerman replaced her when she failed to properly do her job as AC director prior to Testerman being appointed. Lisa doesn't tell people the "truth" she picks & chooses & EDITS her version of comments she makes. There is NO CORRUPTION within Lansing's officials nor is there any link to corruption in regard to Testerman & Cruz as Fitzpatrick suggest. While I was working on helping solve the animal crisis (or so Lisa has people thinking there is one) it became obvious Fitzpatrick is mentally ill & this is nothing more than a WITCH HUNT.
DeleteJust me you r sick and troubled, go get help!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteSo have you tried to do anything about the elderly, or murders, or starving children? Although there are many causes we can align ourselves with, this is the one this woman chose. To belittle her for trying to do good in the name of more "important" things is just not right. I suspect you haven't tried to do anything to help the "more important things" you listed above.
DeleteNo, she has NOT tried to do anything about the overwhelming "murders" or the throngs of children starving in the street. She would rather spout bullshit about what the young lady did to expose that piece of shit for his mistreatment of his dogs. I support her in EVERYTHING. He needed to be exposed. She did that, and I congratulate her. Just mme wants to spew her tripe and put everyone down for looking out for the dogs. If she has a dog, I doubt VERY seriously it is being properly cared for. Her opinions about any other dog indicates she does not give it a second thought. She even stated she would starve it before given any food, IF her kid wanted it. To even say that is indicative of an abuser. But she is sooooo willing to accuse the other young lady of slandering, and defaming the scumbag for his slop and dump area. My opinion is that she is related to the scumbag and is taking up for him........
DeleteAs you can read, Fitzpatrick is not about HELPING the dogs.
DeleteLisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
At Cruz house. Shit lots of roadwork tons of pple out. Can't get pics. Dammit.
Neighbor is friggin his friend. I'm in a dumpy truck with a hat on. Tried to disguise myself. (stalking!!!)
4/21, 12:37pm
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
If they don't have anything to hide them they should have done the right rhing. If they spent half the energy doing that than covering it up and trying to arrest pple there would not be a problem. They are in too deep now. They gotta stay fighting
I'm about to piss them off more
4/21, 1:58pm
No don't do that Lisa! Don't! I will explain when I talk to you. I spoke with Joe Testerman, we talked for an hour. We came up with a solution if Cruz agrees.
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
4/21, 2:01pm
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
How did you talk to him. They are not even open today? Insont trust him. He's a smooth talker for a hillbilly. I'm not backing off Testerman. He needs to go bye bye. That's my ultimate goal after Cruz
Why is making a deal with this guy.
4/21, 2:02pm
Sheriff Williams had him to call me.
I realize that but you need to know what we discussed that Cruz can do to repair the dogs living conditions and other work he is going to have Cruz do. I think it's a solution for the dogs at least
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
4/21, 2:03pm
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
No fucking way
4/21, 2:03pm
Yes way!
He said I could drive up to see it first hand
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
4/21, 2:04pm
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
No no no. That's is oncevfucking again helping him. It's been 16 fucki g years
Forget it..Il
4/21, 2:04pm
Sheriff Williams and Testerman invited me once we get this done
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
4/21, 2:04pm
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
No fucking way m3aning no fucki g way
Omg. I'm done here. We've got this thanks
4/21, 2:05pm
No it is helping the dogs, not him personally. Don't you want improvements for them? I'm confused as to why you are upset Lisa. You said ALL you wanted was better conditions for the dogs. For the past three weeks you've done nothing but talk about "taking Cruz, Testerman and Lansing officials down." I am beginning to think your motive in all this isn't helping the dogs but a personal one against Testerman.
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
4/21, 2:05pm
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
This has been a waste of my ttme
I've gotta go to work. Thanks but we have this.
4/21, 2:06pm
Lisa so what is it you want for the dogs? Okay! I did my part in helping the dogs..........the work will get done and I will update it when it is.
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
4/21, 2:07pm
Lisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick
No thank you. Back 9th that is not the solution. You have j6st made us look like wimps
He doesn't fucki g live there he doesn't fucki g care. Please do not help.
Thank you but leave this alone you've just done enough fucking damage
4/21, 2:08pm
I will help the animals!!! You can't make me stop doing that. I am getting the animals proper housing, food etc
Thank you for doing what it seems these others had made excuses not to do.... I STAND BEHIND YOU LISA!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for doing what it seems these others had made excuses not to do.... I STAND BEHIND YOU LISA!!!!
ReplyDeleteA friend whose family has lived in Ashe County for years has suggested that Cuban mafia is involved and even the good old boys are fearful to go against them.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSlings, you are without a doubt - the definition of "moron". Cuban mafia? You and all of Fitzpatrick's supporter's always come up with the most ridiculous idea's. Cuban mafia in Lansing, NC. LOL... You people are nothing more than one cell organisms incapable of using good judgment or common sense. I suspect you, your friend, and your friends family need to lay off the moonshine. Cuban mafia!!! Thank you! I needed a laugh today.
DeletePlease remember when writing officials that are not part of Ashe County ... keep it to food, water, open sores, vet records ... one can also get in touch with state vet in Raleigh and file a complaint. Mud, and dilapidated housing does not hold up. Also ... there must be a state inspector for fire code violations for the home ... looks like it is in need of repairs as well.
ReplyDeleteI've made several calls. Left messages in complaint and in wanting to give aid in HELPING in any capacity to the Ashe Animal Control personnel in feeding, cleaning, relocating these poor creatures. Kudos to LISA....
ReplyDeleteI've made several calls. Left messages in complaint and in wanting to give aid in HELPING in any capacity to the Ashe Animal Control personnel in feeding, cleaning, relocating these poor creatures. Kudos to LISA....
ReplyDeleteThe man only has 6 or 7 dogs. I know tons of people who have that many. As for the conditions this video was taken the morning after a flash flood. Obviously I love all animals and never want to see one treated poorly. That being said the conditions are less than desirable. However, this woman seems to be set on trying to make a name for herself by pointing out a few "problem areas" that can be corrected in a single afternoon. Also, stating that she was going to steal the animals(which is a felony in and of itself) while trespassing on his land, really? Look lady, there are ways to go about getting things done. The way she handled this situation was poor and ill timed. Any outside dogs pen would have been filled with water given the amount of rain that had fallen during the previous 24hrs. Had this been the great issue that she claimed, and the dogs had in fact been there for "8 years" without proper care, then why weren't the dogs covered in mud instead of showing mud only on their legs? I mean they are white. They had shelter, water and food bowls(granted they were empty at the time)and seemed to be attentive and active dogs. Go to the man, fine him if need be, have him fix the issues(which it seems he already has), and if he doesn't comply then yes feel free to take the animals. Again I love all animals and always want to see them cared for the way they deserve to be. There are just better ways to go about this matter than putting yourself into the position to get yourself in trouble. Applaud this lady for her devotion but shake my head at her ignorance. ***No animals were harmed during the making of this post.***
ReplyDeleteObviously" you love all animals? What about the fact that they are in a tiny pen with one dog house for shelter of 3 dogs? Does he take them out and walk them or have they lived inside of that small lot for 8 years? What about the other dogs on the property wrapped up in chains? What about the filthy water they all drink? What about the roosters he is fighting? What about the statements that animal control has been going out there for years but has failed to write a ticket or ask him to change any of the conditions? No sir, it is not obvious to me that you are an animal lover. Not if you are defending this and condemning the people who are trying to help the animals in these filthy and inhumane conditions.
DeleteObviously" you love all animals? What about the fact that they are in a tiny pen with one dog house for shelter of 3 dogs? Does he take them out and walk them or have they lived inside of that small lot for 8 years? What about the other dogs on the property wrapped up in chains? What about the filthy water they all drink? What about the roosters he is fighting? What about the statements that animal control has been going out there for years but has failed to write a ticket or ask him to change any of the conditions? No sir, it is not obvious to me that you are an animal lover. Not if you are defending this and condemning the people who are trying to help the animals in these filthy and inhumane conditions.
DeleteLisa Neyland DeLaurentiis Fitzpatrick would like to contact the author of this blog. Any contact info would be appreciated.
DeleteIf homeless people are your passion, go work on that! We are talking about criminal neglect, cruelty and death of animals at this residence. And no one will do anything about it, especially the Sherriff or Joe Testerman! They both should also be charged with animal neglect & cruelty. They should immediately lose their jobs ? They outta be run out of town. This is a perfect case for the FBI's animal cruelty division. Yeah that's what needs to be done to clean up this animal cruelty mess, deal with an inactive Sherriff Joe T
ReplyDeletePoor Poor Lisa! Always a "CONSPIRACY" against Lisa. Lisa's gripes are simple: She was fired, as Ashe AC director, Testerman replaced her & since then Lisa has begun an all out war against Joe Testerman. Her fight as she calls it, is not to save ALL of Lansing's dogs, only Daniel Cruz's. IF she were a true animal advocate, where in the past 18 years of harassing Cruz etc has she been able to #1 Prove Cruz has done something illegal. You won't convince me or anyone with any common sense, that with all the people coming and going in Lansing's city offices ALL of them have been, as she claims, corrupt. #2. Where does she fight for ALL the dogs being neglected & abused? She doesn't! Just Cruz. A vendetta, nothing more. Because Lisa's ego suffered because she couldn't do her job as ACO director. I saw the photo's! She allowed the dogs to live in their own feces and urine. Trash was piled so high in the back of the building they had to hir a bulldozer to move it #3. Don't you people wonder why so many gofundme's, fund raisers to pay for attorneys who have in the past told her "you have nothing" yet she keeps asking for funding for said attorneys? What does she think will be different from the dozen other's she was suppose to have hired that "promised" as the latest attorney has, that Cruz would be arrested, Testerman & EVERYONE in Ashe also - really! Look at Lisa's facebook PROFILES and ask "how do you afford expensive vacations on a part time waitress salary?" Lisa is nothing more than a skank who steals from hard working people by pretending to be a HERO for all the animals. It's only Cruz dogs she obsesses over. I'd advise all who are slandering, harassing and making threats - stop! Lisa doesn't care if you, like her, will end up in prison. Now! Go read the TRUTH about your hero! She's nothing more than a drug dealer, liar,fake and thief. BRING IT ON LISA! You "know" I know the truth and will share it. ttp://bangordailynews.com/2008/10/23/news/bangor/man-pleads-not-guilty-in-drug-case/
P.S Considering you trafficked cocaine and were a resident of Florida where I reside, you should know the Sunshine Law. Posting mine and my ex husband personal/private information to facebook IS a violation of that law. If you think me, nor he, will not file charge's violating the Sunshine Law, think again. AND if you and your hoard of losers don't think it's possible to have all of you transported to Florida for these charges, there is a little something called the Long Arm of the Law. Posting to your facebook page my ex-husband is a possible link to Cruz in a dog fighting ring, you know nothing about him. He is highly respected man in the community and business world, and financially capable of making your life a miserable, hellish nightmare for that untruth you told. As of last night, that is exactly what he intends to do. He's filing a civil suit against you and plans to be in Lansing within the week to file harassment charges against you. This is a dangerous game you're playing. You "will" suffer the consequences and anyone involved in this. Learn the laws before you threaten and slander a person. Some won't tolerate your bullshit! Now, run along and create more faux accusations and collect your donations. You're going to desperately need donations for another KICKASS attorney once we are finished with you.
ReplyDeleteBTW Does your HUSBAND know about your WIFE, or is he okay with that? Confused about your identity? Let me help with that. You're a LUNATIC! A thief! A criminal! A thug! A drug dealer! A liar! A SKANK! A FAKE! You are the lowest form of humanity and not worthy of licking the sh*t off the bottom of my boots. You are a NOBODY! A wannabe but not worthy or capable of being a true animal advocate. Advocates fight for ALL animals. Why you and your thugs on facebook brought me back into your chaos is beyond me. You will live to regret that decision to do so. I pity the fools who think you are a hero! You're not a hero! The only thing that has driven you for 18 years is your ego and loss of pride because you weren't capable of cleaning up the feces you allowed those poor animals at Ashe county AC live in. You stroke endlessly stroke your own ego by creating havoc, chaos and spreading lies. I pity you! I'd say I'd pray for you if I thought it would do any good and you'd end your reign of terror of your victims, Testerman, Cruz, Lansing city officials etc. But see, I don't lie to myself as you do, I'd only end up trying to pray you right into hell where you deserve to be.