Sunday, February 14, 2016

South Dakota - Trigger happy hunter shoots and kills baby mountain lion; gets cited

SOUTH DAKOTA -- Law enforcement and the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks are investigating the harvest of a mountain lion kitten.

According to Regional Supervisor Mike Kintigh, an animal was brought in by an unidentified hunter on Feb. 5.

The 14-pound mountain lion kitten shot in Lawrence County was determined to be an approximately three month old mountain lion based on the size and spotted markings.

It is illegal to harvest KILL any mountain lion still visibly displaying spots.

Kintigh says this is the smallest cat brought in this season, and reminds hunters to be very wary about determining the age of a cat before pulling the trigger.

"Given the right conditions, it would be very difficult to see that they were in fact spotted at, you know, a distance of 100 yards when they might be hunting. We take all of that into account when we investigate these cases", said Kintigh.

Uh, yeah. If you don't know what you're shooting at, how do you know it's not a person? A cat? A dog? A horse? A child?

The hunter was cited for a class one misdemeanor improper tagging, which carries a penalty of fines to $1,000, one year in jail and loss of hunting privileges for a year; and could face additional charges once the investigation is complete.

(Kotatv - Feb 12, 2016)

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