Thursday, March 10, 2016

Florida: Nicholas Adams, 45, charged with animal cruelty for chasing and shooting his dog to death

FLORIDA --  Baker man has been charged in the death of his dog, which he said he shot in anger because she was a nuisance.

Nicholas Clay Adams, 37, was charged with cruelty to animals and arrested March 7.

“Had I got my hands on her, I would have choked her to death anyway,” he told Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office deputies after they were called to his home on Feb. 2.

Adams told Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office deputies that his dog, Buckley, had followed the other dog, Quick Chick, into State Road 4, causing Buckley to be struck and killed by a car.

He said Buckley was like a son to him. Adams said he had attempted numerous times to catch Quick Chick after the incident, but she had eluded him. He also said she growled at him when he tried to grab her. -- oh sure she did. He's already working up his criminal defense "she tried to attack me!"

He walked 25 feet to his vehicle, got his shotgun and killed her, according to his Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.

When the deputy arrived, Quick Chick was lying dead under the table, while Buckley was laid out on top of the table.

A witness said she saw Adams get his gun and shoot the dog.

Full Name: Nicholas Clay Adams
Arrest Age: 45
Current Age: 46
Gender: Male
Birthdate: 12/31/1969
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: GRAY
Date of arrest: 03/07/2016

( - March 10, 2016)