Monday, April 4, 2016

Missouri: Little boy, 2, attacked by his babysitter's German Shepherd

MISSOURI -- Baby Bentley was mauled by a German Shepherd tonight.

The parents have no health insurance. He is going to require surgery, and plastic surgery.


Not for sure how long he will be in the hospital he is at st. Johns mercy. Anything is appreciated, and prayers for this baby he is only 2 years old.

I would like to thank everyone that has donated too little 2 year old Bentley from the bottom of our hearts God bless everyone of you

GoFundMe link: Baby Bentley attacked by a dog
Created April 4, 2016 by Roger James on behalf of Katie Kirkland


Ashley Hall - Why doesn't the family have insurance? Seeing as children can have free healthcare coverage from the state. We are also required by the state to have health insurance. Plus, everyone knows to watch carefully around dogs, especially ones known for aggression. I'm sorry but this is ridiculous. You are lucky the child survived! I hope next time you watch the child better.

Ashley Hall is a horrible person. 

Riley Kaye - Ashley Hall, do you not think that the parents feel horribly? Take your two cents some where else, coldhearted brat. With that being said, prayers to the family. This is a terrible tragedy and i'm praying for that sweet baby!

Shelley James - Ashley Hall u need ro re read the post it was the first time these kids were at a new babysitters house so no it wasn't the parents fault. And dont know if u live poor or not but i do, and the so called obama care for my family me and my husband is over 600.00 a month so im sorry for being rude but here it comes this is my nephew and u must he a coldhearted bitch! U dont have to donate u also dont have to leave a comment and ur lucky i don't know u .. So grow up n move on and i pray nothing ever happens to one of ur children!!!!

Melinda Day Durfy - It's not just about needing money to pay the medical bills either. The parents are taking extra time from work, they may not be getting paid for it. If they're driving, more gas. More eating out because of being away from home. More of everything including worries and guilt about what could they have done to prevent it even if they weren't around. So instead of finger pointing and placing blame which does nothing but show your stupidity and immaturity, let's all raise them up to God in the power of prayer and ask for him to work a miracle that we all know he's capable of. Amen.

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