Name: Coty Montana Gillum
Address: 100 Fussell Hill Loop, Erin, TN
DOB: 10/03/1991
Race: White
Sex: Male
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Age at arrest: 24
Date of arrest: 05/18/2016
Arresting agency: Stewart County TN
- Intentional Killing of Animal, Misdemeanor - Bond $500
He was previously arrested on 05/26/2015 for Assault, Domestic Bodily Injury
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Facebook: Works at United Barge Line, lives in Indian Mound, TN |
It was my dog he killed if you need more details I will happily help.
ReplyDeleteBeth Meadows, if this was your dog how it hadn't been in your possession for 6 months or more prior to this? And knowing this dog was aggressive and didn't like kids you allowed it to be put in a home with infants and toddlers. The dog attack Mr. Gillums wife ripping her clothes and breaking the skin leaving a scar. No proof was given of the dog being vaccinated when ask, nor no one offered to help pay any doctor bills that Ms. Gillum may have gotten. You should have removed the dog from the home after this. But instead you left it to growl at Mr. Gillums 6 month old son while your mother was holding him. Mr. Gillums father who's home the dog was in gave permission for the dog to be shot if another incident occurred after the biting incident. But nothing was changed until the dog attacked Mr. Gillum 3 times at his father home. So, Ms. Meadows do you not have any concern for human life that you would allow an aggressive dog to attack an innocent baby or person.
DeleteAlso, I want to see the 'scar'. He nipped her, lady. How do I know? Oh wait, I was also there when that happened. Also show me where he 'bit' your son. If he was as vicious as you say then he's gotta have scars, right? Feel free to send me some pictures. I'm curious.
DeleteSo I see that you have deleted all of your posts, like the coward that you are. Now you want me to believe that the only reason you are doing this is to preserve the relationship between a father and his son. Tell me less than a half an hour after you apologize to me via text message, you get on this blog and harass my children!!! what kind of person does that? We have screen shots of every post you made!!! and now you are on Google plus screen shotting and saving pictures of my oldest daughter....what does that have to do in preserving the relationship between a father and a son. YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN CRAZY! and Mr Gillum sees that now to, and wants nothing more to do with you because of it! I was never disrespectful to your son, If I was why did him and his wife come over and spend almost EVERY weekend here, Im guessing they werent as afraid of the dog as they led on, or they wouldnt have been here that much. I would even ask my own daughter to sleep on the couch so they could have the privacy of a bedroom. I would cook for them and when the would fight Coty spent many nights here in my home, NOT yours asking for my advice, even when his father wasn't here. the only time I was ever disrespectful to Coty was the night he was sitting at our kitchen table calling you (his mother) every name in the book. I told him that was unacceptable behavior and he should respect you because you were his mother. But I see that that respect will not be returned. We have never tried to stop Mr Gillum from seeing his son, the tension between them has been caused by the actions and behaviors of his own Son...NOT US. so let me me put this in perspective for you. Coty at a young age went drinking and driving and almost killed himself and two other people. Coty was arrested for domestic Abuse....he broke the law and went to Jail. Coty was arrested in Missouri for DUI and was arrested and went to jail. Coty shot and killed our dog, while he was locked up in our front yard where he was not a danger to anyone, he BROKE THE LAW, REGARDLESS OF WHAT DADDY MAY HAVE, BUT DIDN'T EXACTLY SAY so he was arrested and went to jail. His wife left him, she got a restraining order against him,told us in the court room hallway she was hoping we'd go through with the trail so while coty was locked us she could go through with the divorce. You STALKED his wife just like you are now STSLKING my daughter on Google. Coty was recently arrested for Drugs, drug paraphernalia, and intent. DO YOU ALL NOT SEE A PATTERN HERE? but no you still all want to put the blame on us. The damage that has been done to the father son relationship was done by Coty himself. You ARE causing a problem because you ALL do nothing but LIE,meddle, instigate and then make excuses for your poor behavior instead of owning up to them. You've all lied so much you don't even know the truth anymore. If Coty wants to save his relationship with his Father ALL he has to do is tell the truth, but it must not mean that much to him because he just cant bring himself to do it. Now for the last time GO AWAY AND JUST LEAVE US ALL ALONE!
DeleteLady I don't know you but I've had enough of YOUR accusations. THIS WAS MY DOG. How dare you come at my family with blatant lies. HE KILLED MY DOG. Now, I don't know what bullshit stories he's been feeding you but not ONCE did my dog bite him. And as far as his wife is concerned my mother offered to pay for her to see a doctor. How do I know? Well, I was sitting in the room when she offered to do so. How dare you speak on something you know absolutely nothing about. He was not violent, he never once tried to bite any babies. You have been misinformed. Your son and your daughter in law are blatant liars. You don't know my family, and you didn't know my dog. Now for the last time, leave my family alone.
ReplyDeleteNvm I'm not done. I was there all three times my dog 'bit' Mr. Gillum. But wait, he did no such thing. My dog when approached by your son -- barked. In case you weren't aware, dogs do in fact bark. Your son is a coward who waited till no one was home, slaughtered my dog, stole his body and dumped him on the side of the road and then fled. Couldn't man up to face us when we got home. And remove my dog from my home. I don't think so. And this is the same ms. gillum who stated over and over again that she was fine and it wasn't a big deal. Get a hobby, and quit harassing my family.
DeleteHe didn't flee...he called his dad immediately and told him
DeleteAnd his dad told him to "get his sh**,and get out!" He was so mad.
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ReplyDeleteI don't know where you get your information, but the dog that growled at Jason was Jimmys fathers dog Max NOT BINX, your son was repeatedly told to stop put his boot in the dogs face every time he walked in the door! The dog took that as a sign of aggression and he never bit Coty he had no bite marks! The week before Coty walked in to my mothers bedroom went through her belongings and found a gun walked outside the house where the dogs WAS LOCKED UP & repeatedly shot the gun to intimidate our dog. On the evening where the dogs tooth scratched Ashley where there is no scar my mother came home that night from work not only did she offer to take care of the dog she offered to have her seen by a doctor and she declined she even offered to buy her a new pair of pants and Ashley declined again. It was Coty that said I shouldn't worry about it Ashley was being a baby. Now I suggest you get your facts straight before you start slandering my family. You call yourself a Christian what do you do go to church on Sunday and wake up Monday and make up lies about people my mom is not a drunk and IS NOT cheating on Jimmy!
ReplyDeleteThis is a blatant lie. Max is a Bishon and has NEVER bitten anyone ever. You, sir have been lied to. I saw the bite, and couldn't believe it! I threatened to go kill the dog myself, if he ever even looked like he was going to bite one of the kids. Coty's sister even told Jimmy to pick up her son because if she did that dog was gonna bite her. YOU need to get your facts straight.
DeleteWow. Yet another person who hasn't got a damn clue what they're talking about. No surprise there. Y'all really don't give up do you? Trying to defend someone who truly doesn't give a damn about any of you. So let me make this short, cause there's no getting through to stupid, ignorant people such as yourselves. Coty killed my dog. Coty is a piece of shit. Coty is a liar. No changing my mind about that. Its unfortunate that none of you see what kind of person he really is, but it's not my problem, because I honestly couldn't care less about any of you. None of you knew that dog, none of you met that dog. And you saw the bite.. congrats. I WAS THERE when the dog 'bit' her. Ya'll really love to just throw that word around, don't ya? The dog nipped her pants and slightly broke the skin. It wasn't out of agression, he was an overly excited dog. And y'all would know that if you had ever come into contact with him -- oh but wait, you never did, did you? Did the girl need stitches .. NO. I think a small band aid did the trick. I bet you feel real big sitting behind a keyboard with no name. So congrats to you for being yet another misinformed, uninvited party to this entire ordeal. Y'all will really say just about anything to justify what he did. Sad.
DeleteDear unknown other, please learn how to read. We never said max bit anybody. We said "Max growled at Jason" and that information came from Jason's parents themselves, Coty and Ashley.
DeleteYou don't want to mess with me little girl. And you can call that BITE a nip if it helps you sleep at night. I saw the bruised, bleeding bite, so don't even try. You have no clue about real life, as you're practically a hermit, and can't keep a job because,'s STRESSFUL! As far as keeping things going, that would be you, with your pathetic letter to the court. You were too stupid to know that it would become public record, so yea, we all read it. Begging the judge to put Coty in jail. What y'all all need to realize is that if you had been a responsible dog owner, none of this would have happened in the first place. SMDH...
DeleteLittle girl? I'm shaking in my boots ..really. As for the 'bite' ... you saw a picture. You're a grown ass woman, don't you have anything better to do. Why are you so stressed about the way I live my life. I have a job. I pay MY bills. I'm doing just fine. Thanks for the concern. I was very aware that my letter would become public record. In fact I had hoped on it. I'm glad you read it, honestly. How'd you like it? I felt I was a little too nice, but hey, there's always next time. The fact is, none of you are worth my time. You're nobodies. I can't stress enough how little your opinion means to me. Congratulations on your failed attempt to try and 'hurt my feelings' I'm good and I'm always good. Remember that. There's nothing you can do or say that'll make me hate myself as much as you all clearly hate yourselves. Move on.
DeleteBahahaha! Funny how you lie once again, being as that letter clearly stated that you wanted it kept confidential. This just keeps getting more entertaining. And no, I couldn't care less how you live your little life, I only was making a point that you clearly didn't understand. So let me clarify for you. You and your sister are judging on something you do yourselves, so just stop. And trust me, if I wanted you to "shake" you would, no doubt. If you want to be treated like an adult, then get a REAL job, and move out on your own like most girls your age. If you're not paying rent, then you aren't paying your bills. I'm done now that I've made my point, wouldn't have commented at all if you hadn't tried to keep it going with the letter, because I DO have much better things to do. Like live life, not live off of someone else. And I don't care if your feelings are hurt or not hurt. Your feelings are of no concern to me. I had my say and that's that. So congratulations at your failed attempt to analyze me.
DeleteI'm done trying to be civil about this. You know absolutely nothing about what took place. He was locked up every single time. And show proof of a rabies shot, for what? No one ever gave home permission to shoot my dog. Another lie I'm sure your son or daughter in law told you. Get out of here with that bullshit. Cause I show proof to everyone who walks in my house that my dogs have been vaccinated... who the hell has time for that. I don't give a rats ass if you don't think they were vaccinated. Unless she was foaming from the mouth after he NIPPED her, I think you're in the clear. Any other lies you want me to dispell while I'm here?
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ReplyDeleteOkay that's why Ashley won't come to my moms house though to get her mail... because we are scared that makes sense.. please let Coty come to my moms house we got restraining orders so please Coty come on over find yourself locked up AGAIN! I've been on the phone with my mom and jimmy all day about your dumb ass so once again another lie from you all you are doing is trying to start shit so they will split up because they are getting married but let's face it bitch no one cares about you or your lies because all you keep doing is repeating the same shit over and over because you have nothing else to say
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DeleteBitch then email me them come on let's see them it's funny because heather went with Ashley after the incident to her home and helped her clean up her leg so let's seen the googled pictures you came up with
DeleteShe has an order of protection in case she needs to take care of her family so she doesn't get thrown in jail
DeleteCoty was the one that called Ashley a Baby when it happened no one was laughing but him, I don't know how many times I have to fucking tell your dumb ass my mother offered to take care of Binx at the time, also offered to take her to the doctors and pay for it, & Also buy her a new pair of pants she declined every fucking time you idiot
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ReplyDeleteSo where are the pictures oh right you don't have any because you are lying, who would believe an insane drug addict over a sane person because you are just as bad as your son... oh and aren't you the same woman that followed Ashley around taking pictures of her at her job for weeks trying to prove that she was having an affair on your son and then she went and got herself a restraining order because she was scared of your drugged up son. So if you want to talk about integrity look at yourself in the mirror you aren't even worth my time get a life bitch
DeleteThat's why Ashley is to afraid to come to the house to get her own mail. Bitch quit reaching. We got a restraining order because he's a drug addicted psychopath. Anything else?
ReplyDeleteAnd as for people coming and banging on the door the only person that came to the house doing that was Cotys probation officer so that's his own dumb ass fault
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ReplyDeleteMy mom is respectful, but that doesn't mean I have to be like her I'm only disrespectful to people I don't like and for the tweets he's seen them already bitch go ahead what's he going to do absolutely fucking nothing
Deletelook Im going to tell you cousin fuckers one more time my FUCKING dog did not bite anyone Coty had no proof to show in court the only reason why we dropped the restraining order was so you mother fuckers can leave us alone and I see you aren't going to do that and for all of you that said we made this website you really think we would've been this nice about that hillbilly meth addict HELL FUCKING NO you all are stupid as fuck for choosing his side after everything he has done to y'all... like when he got drunk and almost killed 3 people in a car accident and then constantly has been doing drugs and now stealing money from y'all hide the truth all you want you pieces of shit but as of now I am making my own fucking website so I can tell the actual truth and I PROMISE you its going to be a whole lot worse then this.. I will see you all in hell
ReplyDeleteLet me tell you something bitch. If anyone here is inbred it's you "people". I'm so laughing at you right now, you stupid ass. We all know about you and your sister's pill popping, so clean your own house before talking about someone else's.
DeleteAnd yes, that dog DID bite through her jeans and brought the blood. Y'all's stories don't match up either, so go figure. Spin it anyway you want, but the truth shall set you free.
Deleteoh by the way I got all of you and everything that coty said on his Facebook in my phone all from the beginning when this started NONE of your stories match up so try talking yourselves out of this y'all want to make mine and my families life hell well here starts your hell I promise you I'm going to add all of you on my website
ReplyDeleteand if yall really want to get serious I'm getting a lawyer and suing you for emotional distress
DeleteTo my daughter Bobbie Jo and to Jimmys family. We would like to put all of this behind us and move on. We are all just going to have to agree to disagree and behave like adults. we would both appreciate it if no more posts on either side were made.
DeleteSorry Sherri, but you're wanting this stopped NOW?? How about BEFORE it got to this point? Your daughter not only disrespected us, but you as well, since you're married to a "cousin fucker" I've never in my life been called such things, and I'm not going to put up with it now. Not from ANYBODY! Teach your kids some respect, and you don't even know what your son is spreading in school. It makes you look like a gold digger. Idk if you are or not, and don't care. It's Jimmy's problem, not mine. But, let me say this. My parents will NOT be hurt in any way by the living arrangements there, I can assure you of that.