Thursday, June 2, 2016

Louisiana: "I was bitten by a pit bull last night while I was out walking my dog, Bear"

LOUISIANA -- Bill Downey posted on Facebook June 2, 2016 near Harvey, LA ·

I was bitten by a pit bull last night while I was out walking my dog, Bear.

We've walked by the property two blocks from my house probably a hundred times before and have heard dogs barking from behind a high wooden fence but I couldn't see them.

Yesterday, I heard a bang as we were passing and the next thing I see is a large pit running out, right at Bear, they sniffed each other somewhat calmly for like two seconds when the pit suddenly attacked. I tried to separate them and that's when I was bitten. The owner happened to be nearby and she was able to barely restrain the pit.

I ended up at the doctor this morning for a tetanus booster and a scrip for antibiotics. I didn't need stitches and Bear has no marks on him at all. Hah! I gotta say that Bear didn't back down, he was gonna fight if he had to, lol.

Moments later as we were walking away he acted like it was no big deal, all calm and cool. I did call animal control, they are going to come out some time today to investigate.

Cindy LaBauve - Glad that you are taking care of yourself Bill! The owner of the dog that attacked you & Bear should be held accountable for all of your medical expenses--that is the least that she should do.....Take care of yourself and God Bless..

Roxanne Brock - OMG!! How horrible!!! I'm so sorry this happened to you and Bear. Why do dog owners teach their dog or allow their dog to be vicious?! I hope animal control takes care of things and that stupid woman has learned her lesson to walk her dog more to burn the energy off and not allow it to be vicious! I hope your arm heals up without infection or scarring.