A circuit breaker tripped, cutting the power to the air conditioning in a truck owned by Lakesyde Kennel and Handling in Wellington, said the Humane Society of St Joseph County, the Indiana agency investigating the deaths.

Six of the deceased dogs belonged to kennel owner Courtney Corral-Morris, humane society director Genny Carlson told cleveland.com Monday.
"This is a very tragic situation," Carlson said. "I don't think this was intentional at all."
The St. Joseph County Police Department and Prosecutor's Office are also investigating. No charges had been filed Monday morning.
Corral-Morris and the dogs were in South Bend for the Michiana Kennel Club AKC Dog Show.

Corral-Morris discovered the dogs dead in the back of the truck in a hotel parking lot about 6 p.m. Friday and called police, Carlson said.
Corral-Morris told investigators the dogs were fine and the air conditioning was working between 3:30 and 4 p.m. when she left the dogs to go in the hotel and take a nap.
Corral-Morris and an assistant discovered the dogs when they returned to the truck to walk them.
It's unclear what the temperature was inside the van, but it was as high as 86 degrees outside, Carlson said.

"This serves as a reminder for people with pets, children and elderly relatives that being in a car without proper ventilation or a working air conditioner can be dangerous and to take the proper precautions," Carlson said.
Corral-Morris could not be reached for comment and no one answered the phone at Lakesyde Kennel and Handling on Monday.
The dogs had nine different owners, and at least one has requested a necropsy, the equivalent of an autopsy. The prosecutor will determine when the procedure will be done, Carlson said.
(Cleveland.com - July 26, 2016)