Sunday, August 14, 2016

Florida: Facing animal cruelty charges, Kyle Oloughlin posts video on Facebook defending himself

FLORIDA -- "A ‪#‎Quick‬ ‪#‎Video‬ of me and my 100lb ‪#‎AmericanBulldog‬ / ‪#‎Pitbull‬ that I ‪#‎maliciously‬ attacked and strangled 2 weeks ago as stated by the news and newspapers..... Does she look very upset? Fuck everyone and there ‪#‎ignorant‬, ‪#‎unsubstantiated‬ ‪#‎allegations‬ and ‪#‎comments‬ contempt prior to investigation, you would probably believe the sky was falling if the news told you that as well...... this is clearly a case of character assassination defamation of character and slander on behalf of ‪#‎Boynton‬ Beach ‪#‎police‬ department and all of the ‪#‎news‬ channels in ‪#‎newspaper‬ who covered the story without any factual ‪#‎evidence‬ to base their story or statements given to the ‪#‎public‬, if you believe what you read I feel sorry for you that's all I can say, go ahead and defriend me now....."

I know. It's hard to read when it's a jumble of words and symbols. It's worse than a kindergartner. Suffice it to say Oloughlin denies what the police say he did, which is that he woke up late for his probation meeting, argued with his father and then took it out on his dog, choking her and lifting her off the ground while she was making gurgling sounds.

Read through the racial and religious slurs he uses, check out his criminal history and make up your own mind.


Related stories about Oloughlin: