My husband Tom, was standing on our lawn in front of our home. Two massive dog [pit bulls] from across the street charged and attached Tom as he held our 10 pound puppy, Charlotte.
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RIP Charlotte |
He tried to ward them off but they knocked him to the ground. Our daughter and son-in-law, standing in the yard, attempted to pull the dogs off Tom as he lay on the grass. A passer by from the neighborhood also attempted to try to remove the dogs from biting my husband. Our 8 year old grandson watched as his family and pet were attacked.
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The pit bulls live right across the street where that car is parked. In an instant, they were on Charlotte's property and killing her |
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Pointing at the spot where little Charlotte was attacked and killed in her own yard |
We were informed yesterday by city officials that Marijana Martin and Ed Hirt, owners of the dogs, will be be charged with two misdemeanors as a result of the dog attack. They include a charge for their dogs not being on a leash and failure to update the dogs rabies shots. These will be the only charges brought against them.
The dogs were removed by the Bay Village Police Department and taken to the Cuyahoga County Kennel. We were told by city officials that there is a possibility that these dogs could be returned to their owners after 10 days.

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The house where Edwart Hirt and Marijana Simiceric-Martin maintain vicious pit bulls |
Other dogs that Hirt's owned had escaped in the past approaching and antagonizing neighbors. Last year there was a similar attack to our neighbor and her dog as she walked down our street. This attack was by another dog owned by Mr Hirt. Although we and many others called city officials to voice our concerns to our councilman, law director, and police department the problem was not resolved. I now wish I had pursued the matter further. You never expect it to happen to your family.
Tom and I are very grateful for the show of support for our family from neighbors and the members of our community. We also hope you will consider attending the meeting with city officials that will take place on Monday evening at 7:30 at the Bay Lodge. We know that little can be done to help our family but hopefully we can make some changes for the benefit of all.
A girl who claims to be Edward Hirt's daughter ("Paige Alexandra" aka "Paige Alexandria Hirt") joins the comment thread by calling people names and continues ranting. Even if she is over the age of 18 (per Facebook, she probably graduated in 2015), she's barely an adult. Anyone who remembers being 16-22 knows that, at that age, they think they know everything and still retain the childish behavior or name-calling and insulting their way through a conversation so I'll give her a bit of slack for her immaturity.
Nikki Hubbard Taghehchian: I'm so confused. When bites were reported from aggression in the south there would be a strong chance the animal may be put down. I worked with rescues groups, and some would take the animal and rehabilitate them.
I'm questioning why so many aggressive dogs are in that house. Are they training them to be that way, or worse...abusing them?
Paige Alexandra: No we aren't you stupid bitch
Amanda Figliuzzi This is such a horrible story I'm so sorry for the pain you have been through. This family seems to not be able to train their dogs to behave. So sad that they can't be adults and handle their dogs. It's more so the owners fault than the dogs. So sad this would happen in such a nice community.
Brenda Warner: I'd like to like to know who's buying these dogs.
Paige Alexandra: You people are so dramatic. And we are getting the fuck out of your "nice community"
Jill Price McLaughlin: You leaving solves nothing in this issue as the problem will still follow you and your pups no matter where you go. If your posts are any indication of your general demeanor then you are proving all these folks right, aggression breeds aggression. I just dearly hope you take some of the good advise from a fellow poster and teach your dog's socialization skills at an early age. I have no idea if it's too late for your current dogs, I hope not. Please listen to the voice of reason here and find the real solution to your problems. I wish you well.
Paige Alexandra: Jill Price McLaughlin do you want me to take all this shit laying down? I don't live there and didn't train the dogs. I'm going to argue these speculators tooth and nail if I have too. And I don't care what anyone has to say.
Gretchen Thompson: Clearly this is a problem if multiple dogs are escaping from the same house, unleashed and unaccounted for and aggressively attacking/killing other animals and injuring humans in the process. I don't care what kind of dog it is...period. Really, is it going to take a 3rd. time....a child playing outside and being attacked to make waves in this community? Just nutty.
Paige Alexandra: There was no child attacked. You're dumb.
Terry Peterson: With each passing day I become more infuriated by this situation. Where is the remorse from the city. I have been told the city had a defensive posture at the meeting this past Thursday. I recommend on Monday representatives from the city check their defensiveness at the door. You work for us.
To Ed and his daughter who I am sure are monitoring this page. Where is your remorse for your dogs killing the Moran's dog and leaving a family in tatters. Step up be accountable and apologize and own it. It seems pretty evident you have no regard for the people in this neighborhood. Your dogs have savaged other dogs on the street. Unacceptable and egregious.
I hope on Monday we walk out with actionable items and prevent this from happening again.
Paige Alexandra: We are sorry but there's not much we can do. I know you people want justice but I'm not killing my dogs because they got out and thought they saw a stuffed animal. You people act like you want me to bring my dogs up to town hall and shoot them in front of everyone. So instead of getting all fussy just realize we are dealing with the problem and its none of anyone else business.
Nancy Boitel-Uhl: Paige Alexandra a stuffed animal? Well I'm really relieved to know that ! Seriously you are NOT sorry and so if a child was holding a stuffed animal your a HOLE dogs would have attacked. Glad the dogs I know do KNOW the difference between a stuffed TOY and an animal and a human. You should be ashamed as should your entire family.
Nancy Boitel-Uhl: Kill myself. This just shows your maturity and lack of compassion. Yes and guess what nothing you say matters anymore!
Paige Alexandra: Do you feel better now?
Paige Alexandra: You're not a cop or a judge or any kinda of official and have nothing to do with the situation. Just old old bitch getting her drama fix on Facebook. Completely useless.
Paige Alexandra: Yeah you hit the nail on the head nanc.
Paige Alexandra: Now go drink your coffee and calm down
Paige Alexandra: Oh course you're one of those people lol fuck off lady.
Paige Alexandra: Yes you are!
Debbie Murray Pervez: So sorry you lost Charlotte. We had a similar occurrence in Avon Lake last year.Our neighbor was walking his pup and two pit bulls left their yard and attacked and killed the dog and injured our neighbor. The owners had a faulty gate, they escaped. The sad thing is that this wasn't the first instance with the pits. We went to the council meetings, voiced our opinions . The owners of the pits still have one of the dogs and the victim is still trying to get justice. Hopefully you will have a good turnout and justice will be served.
Kirsten Petersen Gibel: I think both dogs are still there.
Paige Alexandra: Kirsten Petersen Gibel you're stupid they are at the county kennel.
Michael A. Whitaker While I was not there and I would never want to comment on the facts of the scene or what happened or not I do have one thing to say... Get your conceal Cary permit! You your husband and any legal age family member! If you or your family are attacked and with proper training and permits you can end an attack like this! I do not know mr hirt or his animals, but I will protect myself and my family and my loved pet! B&D Shooting range 3030 Grove Ave, Lorain OH 44055 United States!
Paige Alexandra: The whole attack lasted just a few minutes before my brother and father ran out of the house and tackled my dogs. Do you think you'd actually have enough time to run inside and grab your gun? Or do you suggest to carry it with you at all times? Even when playing out side with children?
Todd Pullman LMAO at Paige Alexandra this morning. Thanks for the pick me up
Paige Alexandra: You're welcome😊 and fuck you very much
Todd Pullman: There's that maturity level shining through again. Ha ha ha
Paige Alexandra: Todd Pullman you showed your ass first😊
Todd Pullman Look at your replies above and try again.
Paige Alexandra Well you know what they say. Opinions are like assholes. Your comment was irrelevant to the post. Just like you.
Todd Pullman Enjoy Florida, I am sure like Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman you will make a fine addition to that cesspool
Tamiee Lamson: Second attack from vicious dogs from the same house. Sounds to me as if these people shouldn't own any dogs from now on. I hope all dogs are taken from this house and put down. There is no hope in rehabilitation of them. I hope the family is prosecuted to the fullest extent the law with allow. If this happened to a neighbor of mine, the dogs would have been dead.
Tamiee Lamson: I agree 100%. Time that the Police and other City officials take action against this Family.
Paige Alexandra We are complying with the police orders and with what the dog warden said. So please if you have any more comments, shove them up your ass kindly
Tamiee Lamson: OMG grow up
Paige Alexandra: Tamiee Lamson take your own advice. I'm the young one, you're the old bitter bitch.
Charity Peterson: I'm so sorry for your loss! These people have no business having pets if they are too irresponsible to to train them to be good dogs!! I hope you file a civil suit against them! What if this were your grandson that was outside when all of this happened?! This could've ended up way way worse than it has. I have small children and it kills me to think that this could've happened to a child, i'm so sorry that this had to happen to your puppy, your baby!
Jamey Curran: So sorry for you're loss. I know I have some strong opinions about this issue but I can't imagine the trauma you have gone through. Thoughts & prayers.
Paige Alexandra: For all the concerned assholes of bay village. If you have any questions please refer to comments above. Because I know you people don't read all the replies to the comments because you don't care about the whole story I've provided a diagram for you. Enjoy
Kristen Szabo LePrevost: I am sure your smartass and aggressive replies will endear so many to your side...
Paige Alexandra: Kristen Szabo LePrevost maybe. It was a risk I was willing to take.
Charity Peterson: Lol! Your post says it all! I understand mistakes happen but over and over again?! Yes I am concerned but you are the asshole!!
Paige Alexandra: Charity Peterson do you think I care about you or your opinion of me or anything else you have to say? If so you're dumber that I give you credit for!
Charity Peterson: Hahaha! And you think I care what you think about me? Lol! I can see why your animals act the way they do just by the way you present yourself!
Paige Alexandra: Charity Peterson good thing you're completely irrelevant to anything pertaining to this other than you feel the need to stick your nose where is doesn't belong.
Charity Peterson: Can you stop for one min and think about the reality of the situation?? It could've been a child!
Charity Peterson: Paige Alexandra I live down the street!
Charity Peterson: I'm very relevant!!
Paige Alexandra: You read anything or just spew bullshit out of your mouth?
Rachel Harris: Paige Alexandra I pray for you. Either you or your parents were negligent in how you raised those dogs. I am completely dumbfounded in your lack of remorse or sympathy of what your dogs did. And the complete and uter stupidness of your responses have baffeled me. Do you know what negligence even means????
Jen Appleby: Seriously, what are you and/or your family doing to the dogs to make them so aggressive? That's pretty abnormal behavior, doesn't matter what breed it is. It seems like they're abused and being put in a bad environment to begin with - these dogs sound like they're trained to fight, and aggression does breed aggression. And the fact that this has happened a few times already with different dogs is a HUGE red flag. If you can't own a pet responsibly, and you've had more than one horrible incident occur because of it, you shouldn't be able to own pets. Period.
Janet Wills-Polivka: What I don't understand, and correct me if I'm wrong, that this can happen twice in a two week period and it's called an accident? Isn't this the same family that killed the little white dog the week before? That story was on the news but I read it first here in one of these groups? Now I'm all for "accidents", but if this is the case then it pure neglect! From the county down ..... If it's the same family the dogs should of never been aloud in that house to begin with the county should've come and taken the dogs and the family should never been allowed to have dogs ever again. PERIOD!
Paige Alexandra: Lol you're dumb. This is the same little white dog from a week ago. Ignorant.
Paige Alexandra Janet Wills-Polivka: id rather be a bitch than an ignorant asshole. The first thing you said was "correct me if I'm wrong" but that didn't stop you from passing judgment now did it? You're the definition of ignorant. And. You obviously didn't read any of the comments because I do feel bad about what happened but I don't feel one bit bad for calling you or anyone else out for your bullshit. And as you can see when someone posted a respectful, opposing view point I leave it alone because I can respect that. People like you that pass judgment without knowledge... Well you're the worst type of person. I never once said what happened my dogs did was okay but I'll defend my family against stupid people like you.
Paige Alexandra: Do you feel better now that you've jumped on the bandwagon?
Janet Wills-Polivka: bandwagon? I was never on a bandwagon. I seemed to have confused two post as two separate incidents. My apologies. But I think the tone you have taken with people in here on this topic has been less than nice to say the least. But It doesn't matter what I think..
Paige Alexandra: You're right, I am being a bitch about it. I would not normally use this tone in an argument but most of these comments are completely uncalled for.
Dorothy Leach Janet Wills-Polivka: there was another dog killed by the same family's other dog a year ago. Two different dogs from what I understand. Same outcome
Janet Wills-Polivka Dorothy: Leach oh.... Same family?!
(Secret Bay Village Facebook Group - Aug 26, 2016)