There’s nothing like mutilating pets and declaring oneself a sociopath to let the world know that any time you’re allowed outside of a cell increases the potential for some innocent Rhode Islander to experience a violent tragedy.
Fortunately, Stravato committed a probation violation on August 24 when he didn’t show up for mental health and probation appointments. The same day, a warrant was issued for his arrest and police picked him up at 7 pm at his residence, the Rumford Motor Inn, a motel distinguished by a one-star rating on Yelp even before the friendly neighborhood sex offender moved in.
Stravato is being held without bail until a Sept. 1 hearing, meaning that he doesn’t pose a threat to Rhode Island’s cherished pets. What is somewhat disconcerting is what Alyssa LaMountain, Stravato’s girlfriend got herself arrested for August 9th. The Projo reports…
"LaMountain was charged Aug. 9 with charges including stealing gravestones from a cemetery in Warren. She is also under investigation after Warren police found animal bones in a glass jar and wooden box at her house at 6 Greenhouse Court, according to an affidavit file in District Court accompanying a search warrant."
A witness told Warren police that LaMountain had talked about cruel things that she and Stravato did to cats, and that she used an ax that she kept in her bedroom, according to the affidavit. The witness said he found cat paws inside a ziplock bag inside the mini-refrigerator in her bedroom, the affidavit said.
If you take a look at LaMountain’s Facebook profile (which has since been set to private), it’s apparent that sometimes goth chicks that seem to be obsessed with death are actually obsessed with death in a real, hands-on manner.
At the time of this report, it looks like she’s out on bail, so keep an eye on your pets.
According to court records, Stravato kicked a family cat to death before cutting out its eye, beating it with a log and setting it in fire.
In a series of Facebook comments in 2015, Stravato, who calls himself Anthony "Homiecidez" Stravato, justified killing animals.
"do you think its wrong that i kill animals but less worse than how ppl kill cows n pigs for meat so does it make tha world any better than i am?" he wrote. " ill prob be tha next serial killer since i have a serial killer trait. im sure i knew it already. i used to watch my cats die all tha time when i was young so i began to be fasinated with death when i was 6."
When asked why he keeps killing, even if he "doesn't like" who he is while killing, he said "yes i do like it i enjoyed it."