KFOX14 was there after 15 dogs were removed from the home. Animal Service officials said the dogs were in poor condition.
City officials confirmed two cats were removed from the home Tuesday.
El Paso police told KFOX14 Tuesday that on Monday they had discovered a dead dog on the back patio and an injured dog on the property. The situation caused police to begin an animal cruelty investigation.

It's not the first time this home has had animals removed.
KFOX14 had also been there when 54 dogs and a cat were taken from the same home, belonging to Arlene Brown, in July 2013.
Investigators pulled 15 dogs from the home on Fierro Drive after they said neighbors and others called to complain about the smell coming from the home.
KFOX14 went up to the door and a foul odor is coming from the home.
"They were covered in their own faces. Matted. Underweight. Just poor condition," said Hugo Navarro with the city of El Paso's animal services.

A familiar scene at this home -- investigators in large white suits and wearing masks.
Navarro said the animals are now being treated at the city shelter. He also said they believe there are cats in the home, so they put out traps.
"The animals are stressing. They weren't even used to the sunlight," said Navarro.
Three years ago, 54 dogs and one cat were taken from the home.
Back then, we were unable to reach Arlene Brown, the woman who lives there.
Some neighbors were stunned.
"That's shocking, actually," said one neighbor in 2013.
Other neighbors told KFOX14 back in 2013 they noticed unusual activity at the home, including the family eating in the car and using windows as exits.

Monday, a former neighbor said she was not surprised this happened again because shortly after the 2013 bust, she said her neighbor began to get more animals.
KFOX14 was able to confirm Brown was placed on a do-not-adopt list at the city shelter.
"We are still trying to get ahold of the owner," said Navarro.

A spokesperson said Brown faces 44 possible citations for ordinance violations like microchips, vaccinations, and food and water.
But there is no ordinance on the number of animals you can have.
"There is no limit. As long as you’re in compliance with ordinances and state statute, you can have as many as you can take care of," said Navarro.

According to the notice on the door, investigators consider this an animal cruelty investigation.
"Right now they're not looking too good," said Navarro.
KFOX14 was able to find 18 warrants in municipal court for Brown.
All of the warrants are related to animals, including failure to vaccinate, failure to microchip and failure to register.
The dates of those violations range from before the July 2013 bust to incidents in 2014 and 2015.

Brown owes more than $2,000 in outstanding fees, according to city records.
KFOX14 was also able to find Brown is very active on social media sites, including groups on Facebook involving animal rescues.
City officials said of the 15 dogs rescued Monday only one had a microchip and it was not registered.
City officials confirmed Tuesday that Brown faces 47 violations, which were referred to the city prosecutor’s office.
KFOX14 wanted to know what happened to the dozens of charges Brown faces three years ago, because there were no court records showing Brown was ever charged.
KFOX14 also asked Child Protective Services about its investigation from three years ago and was told they could not discuss the case due to privacy.
KFOX14 also asked when the last time a caseworker had visited Brown, but were told again they could not say.
KFOX14 asked El Paso police what happened to their 2013 investigation and has not yet received any information.
(KFOXTV - Aug 2, 2016)
Texas: Animal Services removes 54 dogs, 1 cat from Arlene Brown's East El Paso home