Thursday, September 8, 2016

Tennessee: Little Chihuahua dumped on the side of the road inside a garbage bag is now recovering with the help of generous veterinarian

TENNESSEE -- When East Tennesseeans are asked to help during a tough time, we always step up. So when a story like this comes our way, we know you'd want know about it. It's about a tiny chihuahua that was stuffed in a garbage bag and thrown out like trash, but someone found her and got her to safety.

Annamaria was found over the weekend in bad shape, and now she's in for the fight of her life.


Sometimes there are things that happen in life that stop you in your tracks.

For Danel Pecora in Maryville, that happened this weekend. Danel Pecora says, "For me, it's life changing. I've never been face to face like this."

Never face to face with an animal in such terrible shape. Danel got home Saturday and found Annamaria in her front yard. She said, "She looked pretty sad and sick. We didn't know where she came from and she didn't have a collar."


Her kids found a garbage bag filled with feces on their property. She thinks someone dropped Annamaria off in that bag on her property. They took her to Village Veterinarian Medical Center on Monday.

Dr. Kristi Lively says, "Burns on all four of pads. She has inflammation of skin, inflamed feet and her mouth is in bad shape. She will probably lose all of her teeth."


Doctors have her on pain medications, diarrhea medication and skin care. They think she'll make it, but it will take several weeks.

Danel put it on Facebook and she's become an overnight sensation with nearly a thousand likes and almost 400 shares.

This situation has been life changing for Danel. It changed the way she sees life.

Danel says, "If you see something that's not right, you have to say something."

They have several people who already want to adopt Annamaria when she gets better.


(WVLT - Aug 3, 2016)

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