It started Friday, when a St. Albans woman reported to police she was attacked by three pit bulls.
The pit bulls belong to Mike Kelly. He's got three of them. Sage and Tyson, two male dogs, and Bella, a female. Kelly said she is in heat.
"The temperament of the household, with the two of them fighting over the female. it just boiled over," said Kelly.
Kelly Fiorini, along with the owner and other members of the community voiced their concerns about why this can't happen again.
"I feel sorry for Mike, because I don't want to take his pets away from him, but it's just really, really, really scary," said Fiorini.
Fiorini says when she got out of her car to meet a friend on Park Street Friday night, three pit bulls came charging at her. She was bitten multiple times.
"The brown one got my stomach and the black one got my arm," said Fiorini.
She had to get 18 stitches in her arm and four stitches on her stomach. She was also bitten on the shoulder by the dogs. Getting stitches/sutures isn't really a way to calculate how bad a person is injured, though. Sometimes the doctor will leave the wound open rather than close it as it's a risk that the dog's saliva and germs will get sealed inside the wound.
She says, had the owner not intervened, and had she not been wearing layers, she could have been dead.
Her mother, Kathleen Cook, told pit bull owner Michael Kelly how the whole situation has left her shaken up.
"I've had animals, dogs, all kinds of animals all my life. I get a phone call from Kelly's husband, telling me my daughter's on her way, by ambulance, has been attacked by three dogs. don't know the severity of her injuries, and all I can think is, I don't want to lose another child," said Cook.
"I love animals but those dogs need to be put down," said Fiorini's mom, Kathleen Cook.
The owner claims his dogs haven't had a problem until his third pit bull, a seven-month old male named Tyson, that he says he adopted from a rescue, was brought into his home.
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Unneutered seven-month-old pit bull named Tyson |
"I feel really bad about it. But if this was any other dog, would we be having this hearing right now if it was a different kind of dog?," asked Kelly.
Since the attack, the dogs were put under mandatory ten day quarantine at the owner's Park Street apartment.
The dogs must be under his supervision at all times during that period, but some community members say that still isn't enough.
"You might be going to a funeral because some child gets mauled by these same dogs. So think long and hard when you make this decision on what to do with these animals," said one community member.
Other members of the public chimed in as well. Some, including Mike Kelly's landlord, want all three dogs gone from the apartment.
The Selectboard will have a private hearing and visit the apartment where the attacks took place.
A decision on what to do with the dogs may be known as soon as Thursday.
Posted on Facebook:
I still can't believe this happened to my good friend Kelly Cook Fiorini! It was scary as fuck and me and Mike saved her life! Last weeks she came to my house and my roommate has 3 Pit bulls but Tyson the 7 month old Pitbull bit her n it was really bad and she has 22 stitches... 18 of the stitches on her forearm and 4 stitches on her stomach! Idk why he did it to her and cant wrap my head around it stil but Kelly I hope u know I'm really sorry that happened and i hope u feel better soon and i love ya girl
Adam Greene: I'm not trying to start nothing but all pit bulls are not bad they are the most protective dog for family I've had multiple around my kids me my family no bites been around them my whole life never been bitten it's how they are raised
Taylor Mackenzie Harris: 7 months? All young dogs bite. All puppies of all breeds bite.
Charles Minckler: ya tell that to all the people that got killed by them.
Laura Catoe: All depends on how you handle and train your dog. This "pit bull" would do anything for her babies. This is her being walked down church street by a 2 year old with many dogs and people around her. Lying down next the the baby. Mind you we have her very well trained and run her daily
Charles Minckler: I didn't say they are all bad you just can't trust them
Darrell Meyer: Blaming the dog because the owner raised it wrong.....
Adam Greene: Actually the daschund or however ur fucking spell it is the most dangerous breed for biting this year and Rottweilers coming in at second place for 563 attacks 245 being deaths
Patricia Murray: Look at my 2 killers. Sitting at a open door lol. People have no clue
Lisa Fabley Light: I have a German shepherd an a pitt they are recues an are great together an love my granddaughter, an they have 3 Pitts, all great. Any dog an I mean any dog could bite an that includes a mutt that's all I'm saying an puppies need to be trained an they always chew on things I don't think the puppy meant no harm.
Jane Laroche: Hope they don't put him down all he needs is to be fixed and new owner to train him.
Kelly Rose Cook Fiorini: Hi I was the one that got attacked by the three pit bulls all I did was got out of my car and was attacked and almost killed if the dogs were not pulled off me and the owner still has the dogs at the residence
Justin Lussier: Did you get bit?
Kelly Rose Cook Fiorini: Yes allot
Crystal Bashaw: i wish i knew about this (the hearing that was held) because i no the owner of the dogs and he trained his dogs to attack people. i would have gone so i could give them the info i know.
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The Selectmen are apparently planning a trip to the apartment to "meet" the pit bulls. The landlord wants them all gone. |
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