Raymond William Maresh, 64, pleaded no contest in August to aggravated assault, possession of firearms by certain persons and misdemeanor cruelty to animals. Maresh was in court Thursday for sentencing.
Maresh was arrested Nov. 22, 2015.

A person called deputies to report Maresh had been dragging his Doberman pinscher behind his truck on Sugar Creek Road earlier in the day. The neighbor told deputies Maresh said the dog bit him, according to a probable cause affidavit.
When deputies arrived at the house they found the injured Doberman tethered to a white truck and laying under a bus on the property, according to the report.
One deputy knocked at the door and another saw Maresh asleep through a window, according to court documents. Maresh got up and rummaged in a corner and the deputy repeated he was with the Sheriff’s Office, according to the affidavit.
Maresh put a scoped .22 rifle to his shoulder and took aim at the deputy though the window, according to the affidavit.
Deputies took cover behind a truck and called for Maresh to put down the weapon, according to court documents.
Maresh was later handcuffed and arrested. The rifle was loaded with 14 rounds and one was chambered, according to the report.
Benton County Circuit Judge Brad Karren sentenced Maresh to prison. Maresh also must abide by a suspended agreement for 12 years and pay $1,670 in court costs. Maresh received 133 days of credit for time he spent in the Benton county Jail awaiting trial.
Attorney Candice Smith, who represents Maresh, asked Karren to allow Maresh to remain free on a transport bond until he is transferred to a prison. Karren denied the request, telling Maresh he endangered the lives of the deputies and his own life.
“Here in Benton County we don’t tolerate it,” Karren said.
Maresh was taken into custody and transported to jail.
(NWA Online - Oct 28, 2016)