Sunday, November 6, 2016

New Jersey: Loose pit bull attacked two Greyhounds being walked on leashes

NEW JERSEY -- To the owners of the off-leash pit bull that ran down a driveway and across a street to attack the two greyhounds I was walking today, sending one to the animal hospital and nearly biting me -

I've thought for about 2 hours about it, and I don't want to come off too harsh, and I thought really hard about how pit bull owners may react to my post, so here goes -

I can't want to laugh in your young son's face while the town kills your piece of shit dog.

Chris Behringer You & the dog that were attacked okay?

Colin West I'm fine somehow. The one dog was fine, the other is in the animal hospital getting stitches in five places.

Nancy Calvarino Make sure you call animal control get all the bills and pictures and a detailed report of what happened in case you need to go to court very important

Justin Gazeko The owners you are describing are the reasons why pit bulls are the most feared dog in the world and events like what you went through . The sad part is the dog that wasn't properly trained pays the consequences with their life for a jerk off owner who will just move onto the next dog he gets. In a just world the guy would be the one to be put down while the kid and dog look on

Lisa Padgett BS - training or lack there off didn't cause this attack. It's Genetics at work.