URGENT INFO NEEDED IN ATCO! PLEASE do not post comments unless you have information to help the victims. Their dog had another surgery today and we really need only information from residents in their area. Please share with others and pray for their recovery. Thank you!
The owner of this company is a veterinarian and the white pit bull that is our photo is his rescue pit bull he adopted who is the least aggressive dog ever and was attacked by a German Pointer. He was the victim but survived. This post is not a debate but meant to help the victims once again.
Yeah they say not to get into a debate about pit bulls, but they let everyone continue posting in defense of them.
At approximately 3 - 3:15 PM in the afternoon of December 22 in Atco/Waterford Township – on Carl Hasselhan Drive, directly across from Assumption church and school, my husband and German Shepherd were attacked by a pit bull.
My husband was walking our Czechoslovakian sable colored German Shepherd (primarily black in color and has a straight spine, this type of shepherd doesn't have the typical slope of their back/hips) along the walking path just pass the church rectory. Our German Shepherd looks like a police K9 dog.
My husband was at the portion of the walking path nearest the high mound in the grass. For residents who are familiar with this walking path, there is an area of the grass section that looks like a little hill which hides visibility of part of the walking path.
My husband noticed a woman with dirty blonde hair who appeared to be in her 50s, of medium build, shoulder length hair, walking a brown/dark brown pit bull. At that time, she was walking along the path adjacent to Cooper Road toward my husband.
My husband noticed that she was walking briskly and took our German Shepherd off of the path, moving to the grass area closest to the fence and placed our dog in a sitting position.
He asked the woman to please go around them because he was uncomfortable with the pit bull. He estimates that she was 15 to 20 feet away from them when her dog became extremely aggressive and charged at both my husband and German Shepherd.
The pit bull was so ramped up that it slipped out of its collar and immediately the woman started screaming "(he's) loose - get him out of here!", meaning for my husband to somehow get our dog away. My husband could not verify if the woman indicated that the dog was a male or female.
The woman's dog was uncontrollable, and started a frenzied attacked on both my husband and dog. My husband was screaming and begging the woman to help, to get her dog, stop him, he was biting both of them, do something!
My husband said that the woman did have a few opportunities to grab her dog because the dog would back up and then lunge again at the two of them. At no time did he let go of our dogs leash.
After many screamed requests, the woman attempted to restrain her dog by tackling it to the ground and screamed herself - "I got bit! I got bit!"
While she had her dog pinned to the ground she yelled at my husband to "Go!"

My husband has a heart condition, is on blood thinners and was extremely stressed. He had blood all over his shirt and pants and noticed blood dripping from our dog. He immediately came home and notified me of the interaction. Understandably, he was in shock.
We notified the Waterford Township police of the incident and gave a dog bite report.
My husband sustained a laceration on his right forearm and thumb, requiring him to seek medical treatment at Urgent Care. Our German Shepherd unfortunately received many wounds including a huge laceration to his mouth, swelling of his left eye, bruising and straining of his left front leg, and a gaping puncture wound on his right side of his lower chest requiring him to also be treated immediately.
Since our German Shepherd took the brunt of the attack, he has to be monitored carefully in case the mouth laceration and puncture wound do not heal properly. In the worst case scenario he would have to be anesthetized and stitches administered to his mouth and a drain attached to the puncture wound area.
Unfortunately, the woman never came forward, did not notify the police of the incident, leaving us to speculate as to whether or not the dog is up-to-date on its vaccinations.
I have included pictures of my husband and German Shepherd, both how they look while walking to show the size and proportion of the two of them, pictures of our German Shepherd, and pictures of the hat my husband was wearing.
My husband was wearing a dark sweatshirt with a dark navy vest over top with a yellow emblem on the left chest, a dark knit cap, khaki colored pants and white sneakers. The leash my husband uses is red in color.
I appreciate any help anyone could provide in identifying the woman. We would like to know the vaccination status of the dog.
Any information please call 1-800-351-1822. Thank you
FROM OUR COMPANY: This incident from last week has prompted us to ask the public for help. People often do panic in dog attacks and that was the case here. Our officers hope that the owner will read this and do the right thing and contact us.
Maria Granton I know the family and they would like to thank everyone who has shared this post and wished them well. They ask for continued prayers for their dog as the next five days are critical to his recovery. They aren't trying to besmirch the pit bull breed at all. This is a significant attack by one pit bull who obviously has aggression issues. The family had to have emergency surgery for their Shepherd requiring multiple stitches because the laceration was 12 inches deep, tearing the skin from the muscle. They also had to insert 2 drains into the dog and their fur baby requires constant care as the injuries were much more severe than previously thought. The initial exam couldn't indicate additional puncture wounds that affected the muscle tissue itself - only surgery could do that. The family asks that if you have any information of value that you please come forward. They are immensely grateful for your support!