An arrest warrant has been issued for Janell Gibson, 46, of Creighton, a small town about 20 miles north of Wall. There was no indication in her court file as of early Friday afternoon that the warrant has been served. Bail has already been set at $300.
Wow that's pathetic. Thirty-seven counts of cruelty and her bail is just $300?
Janell Gibson, who is married to Glenn Albert Gibson (why isn't he being charged?) has gone by several different names including:
Janell Misty Munsch, Jannell Daugherty, Janell Misty Daugherty, Janell M Munch, Janell Misty Stack. For the 2012 census, she is listed as Janelle Munsch.

A law enforcement report in the court file describes the squalid conditions that sheriff’s deputies found on Dec. 19 after being dispatched to Gibson’s property because of an animal neglect complaint.
Deputies found most of the animals inside a barn on the property.
“Once inside the smell was wretched and almost unbearable,” said a report filed by Deputy Cory Dressler. “The smell was that of animal feces and urine.”
Dressler’s report and another one from Deputy Jacob Tweeten tell of a dead puppy found in Gibson’s home; two dead puppies found in a shed, where one of the carcasses was in a plastic bag; kennels and cages littered with “piled up” feces and urine; water receptacles that were frozen or empty or littered with feces and food; some animals without food or water; and a dog so thin that its rib cage was visible and some of its hair was falling off.

The dogs were being raised as part of a breeding operation, with the puppies offered for sale under the business name Doodles to Love. All the animals are now being cared for by the Humane Society of the Black Hills in Rapid City, where one dog has had five puppies (two of which died) and another 10 dogs are pregnant, according to a society official. The official said the society has received more than $100,000 in monetary and in-kind donations to help with the care of the animals.
Each count against Gibson is a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in the county jail and a $2,000 fine. That means the maximum combined penalty for all 37 counts is 37 years in jail and a $74,000 fine, although a judge could impose a lesser sentence.

Gibson, who did not respond to a phone message Friday from the Journal, is no stranger to authorities. In February, the Pennington County Planning Commission revoked a conditional use permit that had allowed Gibson to operate a kennel. That action happened during a Feb. 8 commission meeting after staffers from the county and the Humane Society of the Black Hills explained problems they found during a January 2016 inspection of Gibson’s operation.
The problems included out-of-date rabies vaccinations, dogs being kept in airline crates where they stood in their own urine and feces, a dog that appeared to be suffering from neurological problems, and generally unsanitary conditions such as urine-stained wooden enclosures.

Gibson also was denied a kennel license from the Humane Society at that time. The license was required as a condition of her county permit, which was first issued in 2010. Kennel licenses expire annually in December, and county records show that Gibson was late applying for a new license every year since she received her first one.
The Pennington County Planning Department did not visit Gibson after the February revocation of her permit to see if she ceased operating her kennel.
So they sent her a letter telling her to shut down a business she'd been running for over 10 years - based on inhumane living conditions and other issues - and they just expected her to be on the honor system and do it???

P.J. Conover, director of the Pennington County Planning Department, said in response to Journal questions on Friday that the county has no regulations regarding such follow-up inspections.
The Journal was not able to ascertain whether the Humane Society visited Gibson following the loss of her kennel license from the society. Humane Society officials did not respond to phone messages Friday afternoon from the Journal.

She is listed on this document as "AKC Recognized Breed Contacts"
Breed: Beauceron
State/zip:South Dakota 57790
Janell Misty Daugherty
BCA Rescue Cord.
Beauceron Club of America Rescue (B.C.A.)
P.O.Box 171 Wall 605-279-2144
From her website:
About Me:
I live in South Dakota currently after being a transplant from California. I have traveled most of my adult life and am now settled down with my family. We are a farm family with all sorts of animals. We breed all sizes of Goldendoodles, Labradoodles and an occasional litter of the Aussiedoodles. My husband is a trades man and I am a photographer. I've always loved dogs and my background is in Police and Military working dogs. I stumbled across this site and it has the photography group so I thought I would join.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Oh I covered this above but I have Goldendoodles and Labrdoodles and the occasional Aussiedoodle litter.
Thanks to my guardian homes I am 5 years into my breeding program.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We started into the world of Doodles because my step-son was allergic to my husbands Lab. They really are like potato chips. You really just cannot have one:-)
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
We quad a lot with them. We also own a place along a major river and they LOVE the trips there.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I groom all my dogs that live here with me.. most guardian homes take them to the groomers.
Favorite Doodle Products?
Well that would be giving away trade secrets:-) I do like the long metal combs the best for grooming. Oh and a groomers rake.
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

Our background has always been hunting, sled dogs and police K-9's. The picture above is me with one of my personal protection dogs a Belgian Malinois, Munchee. She was the love of my life. Every owner should be lucky enough to be loved like this. With time, I did make the switch over to calmer less time and training needy breeds. Although always having Labs to some extent. My interest in breeding Labradoodles and Goldendoodles came from wanting a dog that my step-son who is allergic could have in the house. That and not having the time commitment that training top police dogs requires. I have always thought children should grow up with animals in their lives. My background with animals began early in life as well. My first dog was a Wonderful White retired show Standard Poodle "Toro" . When I moved out on my own. I bought home my first purebred dog since childhood. A wonderful Lab I got from the SPCA named JJ. Later on I obtained my Animal Care Technician certificate. I volunteered and help run and manage a shelter on a military base overseas. We implimented many policies like mandatory micro-chipping and we tried to end the people who get a dog only for a few years until they moved and then gave them up. With some dogs having 5 homes in a short time through no part of their own. I owned and bred Belgian Malinois for 10 years. In that time rescued many breeds. I have found that the Poodle,Golden and Labrador are consistently the very best of family dogs. I have bred, shown and trained my own dogs and those for others. Now, I most of my children are grown and I have more time for dogs. Our puppies have the attention of 4 adults, step-son(13) and my 5 y.r old son who "helps" with them as well. We are a family of dog lovers and my extended family are all owners of our breeding dogs. All our dogs are part of our families. When you view our pages please realize that not all dogs live at one house:-) We do bring over 30 years of dog experiance in both training and breeding to our program. We are active in training our Doodles for Search and Rescue and therapy dog work at the moment. Discounts are given for those interested in these programs.
Janell Gibson says the whole family was involved in the neglect and abuse of these animals. They all benefited from the income coming in, hand over fist, from churning out puppies non-stop. WHY AREN'T THEY ALL BEING CHARGED WITH ANIMAL CRUELTY AS WELL???
Also, who are David Eisenbraun and Maria Eisenbraun??

* * * * * * * *
Posted 8-22-2011 on a labradoodle forum:
Oh, how I wish I'd seen this site earlier so I could warn everyone about the absolutely miserable situation I had with Doodles to Love. I found Janelle's site in the fall of 2009. I talked to her, felt she was probably legit, filled out the application, made the downpayment of $300 and arranged to pick up my puppy in Bismarck, ND. When I picked up the puppy, a little girl we named Matty, she was very, very small and had thrown up in her owners travel case (I paid the final $300). Janelle, the owner, said she must have been car sick. Long story short, the puppy got sicker each hour and died withing 24 hours. We had her in the vet hospital and the vet said he suspected parvo. I called the owner, Doodles to Love, and told her and she said it could not have been parvo because they didn't have any on site. She asked that I have the vet do a specific test to insure it was parvo and she said she would pay for it. We did the test, the results were positive, and I asked the vet to do whatever he could to save the puppy but she died anyway. The vet sent the letter stating it was parvo to her. The owner said she would not cash the last $300 and would return the downpayment. She didn't, nor did she pay for the parvo test. She did not answer phone calls or emails and avoided me. I was always kind and polite to her, hoping she was legitimate. She was a fraud and I fear I was working with a puppy mill. Her address changed to Wall, South Dakota. Stay away from her at all costs. We bought a beautiful labradoodle from Colorado later in the year and he is the sweatest thing ever. If you ever want a reference on that breeder, let me know.
Posted 8-20-2014 on a labradoodle forum:
I highly recommend using another breeder to find a doodle puppy. I purchased my dog 11/09 from Janell Gibson. He arrived with diarrhea which eventually was diagnosed as Giardia bacteria.. When I notified her she said that he did not have it when he was shipped out. Within the first 1-1/2 year he developed seizures which she also would not take any responsible for. Around age 4 he developed hip dysplasia bilaterally. This time she will not return my calls. At the time I purchased him she had a lifetime medical agreement. She explained this to me as she would refund the money or send another dog. I don't hold out hope for either of these. I would only like to WARN others not to use this site. When I told her about the seizures I wanted to make sure the parents were removed from breeding. She said that the mother was removed earlier and had died suspiciously in her sleep! It appears that the father is still breeding from the web site-- Chico the cocker spaniel.
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