Sunday, January 1, 2017

California: Woman's little dog survives serious injury after pit bull attack because he was wearing his doggie coat which protected his throat

CALIFORNIA -- Michele Paige McKenna shared a memory on Facebook December 26, 2016 ·

Sully loved his bone when he was finished all that was left was a lil tiny piece.

Yesterday he was attacked by a neighbor's pit bull.

I have to say it was very scary for me because that dog shook him like a rag doll. Me and my son Randy fought to get him free for what seemed like forever. I didn't think we'd ever get him free of that dogs jaws but we finally did.

I have to say it was a miracle Sully wasn't badly hurt he only had a couple puncture wounds and he will be fine.

I had just put on his coat and Travis flipped up the collar so when that dog attacked him he mostly got his coat. I think Me and Randy were more scratched up than Sully. What a miracle a Christmas miracle!